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Raggiemom 12-30-2023 05:58 PM

Virtual Quilting Weekend—New Years Eve and New Years Day
Welcome to our special VQW 😄. I hope some of you are able to join me this weekend. I have a couple projects in mind that I would like to finish. And I plan to undecorate and take down two trees tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully that doesn’t take too long as I have a queen sized quilt to trim and bind. I swore to myself that quilt would be bound by the end of the year!

Next regular VQW is January 12-15, 2024.

Sync 12-30-2023 06:04 PM

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Well, I have a long weekend from work so I doplan on spending time in my sewing room. Still working onthe clues for my Bonnie Hunter mystery. Here's what got worked on today.

happylab 12-30-2023 06:49 PM

I’m in. I plan to put the never ending r/w/black top, etc on my long arm. If my backing fabric is long enough I will start quilting the top tomorrow. Otherwise I will quilt it on Tuesday. Tomorrow I want to follow/participate on a long arm QAL whole cloth mystery and start a quilt top sewing QAL mystery with cut and bolts. Then on Monday I will follow along and start the rob and Stephanie NYD mystery QAL. I will be monitoring 2 other mysteries to see if I want to make them later in the year. I know seems like a lot, but I will probable finish the taps later in the year. I also plan to watch feetball (football) off and on all weekend.

thimblebug6000 12-30-2023 06:55 PM

Thank you for hosting this. A friend requested a baby quilt, which I am happy to work on. My guild is doing a quilt till you wilt event tomorrow….I will try to join in, but it doesn’t start until 7 pm…..

copycat 12-31-2023 03:02 AM

I will be making a block for our guild President. It is from the Heart Felt Release Quilt-a-long sponsored by the Fat Quarter Shop for The Make a Wish foundation. The Block is called heartfeltrelease #6 Precious Block. You can find a pdf to the free pattern at www.fatquartershop.com

Wishing everyone a happy New Year's Eve and may all your quilting wishes come true in 2024!

lindaschipper 12-31-2023 03:08 AM

Must admit that I'm not sewing this weekend, but cleaning out and selling off some of my fabric on Facebook. I simply needed some breathing room and knew I could never use it all. I''be back to sewing again sometime near the end of January.

Quiltah Mama 12-31-2023 04:03 AM

I've worked on stencilling more pillows the last two days, 38 done, they are ready to sew fronts to backs now. I am planning on working on those this evening and tomorrow. Will check in later to see what everyone is working on. Happy New Year and happy sewing everyone.

Lena1952 12-31-2023 04:32 AM

I'm in too! I'm working on the stars for Edyta Sitar's Beachcomber jacket. Easy sewing but it seems to take forever! LOL

Cam's gram 12-31-2023 05:16 AM

I’m in! I am making three QOV for DH and 2 of his DBs (DH is unaware of what I’m doing). The pattern I’m using is Fons and Porter’s Three Tours for all of the quilts. Loved the pattern since it came out. Have all the fabric but one and it will be here Tuesday so I’m cutting and marking squares for flying geese.

aashley333 12-31-2023 05:38 AM

Happy New Year to all! I've been marking my flimsy with washable marker using a loopy stencil. It is tedious, so I take lots of breaks. Also working on kaleidoscope quilt that I took to monthly sewing day because I want to start a new one.
Love that jacket!

WMUTeach 12-31-2023 05:53 AM

A nice number in, but I am out. This weekend is already booked. I spent yesterday, New Year's Eve eve, binding a quilt and adding the label. Now it is ready for gifting today, my final Christmas celebration. I will meet ya'll in your sewing room, sewing space or studio on January 12-15.

GingerK 12-31-2023 06:23 AM

I am working on a single bed sized scrappy double four patch donation top. If I finish it today, it will be my last finish for 2023. A bit of a tall order, considering what still needs to be put together. BUT, if I finish it tomorrow...it would be my first finish for 2024!! Hmmm....decisions...decisions...

Iceblossom 12-31-2023 06:35 AM

Thank you for bringing us together again, Heather.

I am working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery, I should be caught up today with the next clue not coming out until Friday.

I am also/still working on the border for my Christmas String quilt. I have a bunch of pieces cut -- I think enough. I find in this sort of thing I am not a good guesser -- either it takes a kazillion more pieces than I cut, or I have a kazzilion left overs. For the center I had cut a bunch of pieces too small to use well, I've combined those with other pieces to make them long enough and will put them in the border. Those have all been sewn to a solid piece. Next round will be to sew two solid pieces together, then the round after that will be starting to put them on the paper backings, And then of course, I'll have to take them off the paper to put on the quilt.

We have a bunch or real life issues we are dealing with, but this week I'm staying in the safety and comfort of quilting. We had a little bit of snow earlier this week and have groceries and no need to leave the house,so I'm staying put!

cjsews 12-31-2023 06:40 AM

I am in. Ready to put these blocks together this is pattern from a picture my sis sent me. Must have been on Facebook. Then I will start another with 9P and rail fence blocks
Dang, I can’t download my pic.

thimblebug6000 12-31-2023 08:54 AM

NYD I plan to work on the Merry Mayhem mystery, am making the nap size for a comfort quilt. My DD sent me a link to a motivational speaker that starts in half an hour, and my Sis is coming for lunch….hmmmm….not sure when I will get the stitching started on the baby quilt. All is good! Look forward to seeing what everyone is up to as the hours whiz by!

thimblebug6000 12-31-2023 11:23 AM

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My Forest Galorest will have to come down off the design wall, the bear needs stitched, but will need to wait now until I get this zig zag baby quilt up there! Squishing in a few stitches until my Sis arrives 😀

Rff1010 12-31-2023 12:33 PM

I am sad. I have 2 charity projects that just need binding. I'm one.of.those weirdos who doesn't mind binding BUT the dual feed foot on my main machine broke, so machine is at the doctor. Tried using my backup machine and it's skipping stitches on the binding.
Loaded another charity on the longarm. I will keep busy even if it's not the original plan!

sewbizgirl 12-31-2023 12:36 PM

LOVE that forest quilt, Thimblebug! Looks like a McKenna Ryan pattern? It's wonderful!

Raggiemom 12-31-2023 03:37 PM

happylab--I wish you luck with all your QALs. I know what you might be working on during future VQWs :)

thimblebug6000--how did the quilt til you wilt go?

lindaschipper--cleaning out and organizing may re-energize you. I'm always amazed by what I find (again!) when I go through things in my room

GingerK--so is it a last finish for 2023 or first finish for 2024? :D

Rff1010--I feel your frustration with your machines not cooperating.

Bonnie Hunter fans--good luck working on the clues, I have lots of friends who work on BH but I've never done one yet.

I finished the binding on my quilt so I'm thrilled! I have a quilt laid out on design wall and another with the rows pieced ready to work on tomorrow. This has been quite productive for me so far, hopefully tomorrow is too.

aashley333 01-01-2024 06:46 AM

Yea! I marked the loopy lines to follow for quilting on the seahorse, but not background. I'm ready to sandwich today! Love this project, but I am chomping at the bits to start next pixel. I ordered all batiks for it!

Iceblossom 01-01-2024 07:18 AM

Happy New Year!

I didn't make it to midnight but then I wasn't trying. Got up early this morning and trimmed my Bonnie Hunter units and thought I'd be switching over to my Christmas String project -- but Bonnie released an extra clue today so it will be back to blue and red for my sewing.

Speaking of Blue, hubby's beloved U Michigan is in the Rose Bowl today and we had no way to watch it, so he signed up for yet another streaming service... We didn't watch the Seahawks yesterday but we will be watching football today. Hopefully it goes better for him than the Detroit Lions game on Saturday.

Quiltah Mama 01-01-2024 01:48 PM

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We had our family Christmas yesterday. My daughter's two children came home with DH and I to spend the night. As I was sewing there started to be a lot of questions and curiosity about my machine and how it worked. One thing lead to another and they both wanted to help. They took turns pressing the presser foot up down and needle up down buttons for me. I'm hoping one of them wants to make a quilt at some point. They were so proud this morning when we finished sewing the last pillow. Now I'll work on trimming and turning them right side out and finish prepping them for next summers distribution to the vendor.

Thank you Heather for hosting this special VQW edition. Looking forward to seeing what everyone is going to be working on in a few weeks.

GingerK 01-01-2024 02:14 PM

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Woo Hoo!! My first finish for 2024! (OK total transparency forces me to admit that 95% of it was sewn in 2023) Single sized scrappy donation top made with 2 inch and 3.5 inch squares. Pattern name is Double Four Patch

I like to add a border to my scrappies so that the quilter does not have to deal with a bunch of possibly unraveling seams along the edges. This baby finished at 75x90 inches.

Thanks for hosting Heather. Happy New Year everyone!

Cam's gram 01-01-2024 02:58 PM

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Thimblebug6000 – Gorgeous quilt!

Iceblossom – we have the Michigan game too.

Quiltah Mama -aren’t grandchildren wonderful!

Gingerk – wonderful quilt!

All I have to show is strips and squares but put a big dent in the cutting for the quilts.

Raggiemom 01-01-2024 04:56 PM

aashley333-did you get the seahorse sandwiched?

Iceblossom—I haven’t made it to midnight in over 20 years!

Quiltah Mama—sounds like you have some future quilters

GingerK—it only matters when you finish the project 😄

Well I got the two charity quilts pieces today and pulled out backing for them and cut batting. Hope to finish them by end of week. We did some sorting through clothes in the closet and I filled a couple bags to donate. We’re slowly (very slowly!) working our way through stuff. It’s difficult to get my husband willing to get rid of stuff.

See you all back here in a a couple weeks 🙂

aashley333 01-02-2024 05:38 AM

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105" long! I did sandwich my quilt and began the FMQ. The light blue thread that I chose has almost none on the spool! I will need more I'm sure. (I now need to stock up on colors for all over quilting) The hardest part was overcoming FMQ anxiety. Once I started, i became more relaxed. After I run to town to check on Mom, I'll have all afternoon to quilt!
PS-I used Glow in the Dark white where white was indicated-very cool effect in the dark!

thimblebug6000 01-02-2024 06:26 AM

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I didn't realize the quild zoom would go through the night and until noon NYD, but I did stitch until about 10:30 pm then joined DH watching some TV countdowns, we had a glass of bubbly at 11 and headed to bed about 11:30 to listen to all the local fireworks.
sewbiz - Forest Galorest was designed by Karen Brow for Java House Quilts
Merry Mayhem - working on part 4 of 7, need to get busy as the free pattern expires on the 5th I think and I don’t print it out anymore
zig zag from crazymomquilts blog - have started to assemble baby quilt
And in between all this, I managed to get Xmas decorations and tree all boxed and mostly put back in the attic. And DH and I went out in the fresh air for a couple hours, I love my walks!
Today is my little group where we meet and hand stitch, so no progress on these until later,

cjsews 01-02-2024 03:52 PM

I got one quilt top done and started on the next. The second is turning out pretty ugly so I will finish it up and use as a donation. Someone will like it, I hope.
when posting photos I used to have the option to change size before downloading. That option has disappeared and I can’t find a way to post now. What a disappointment 😟

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