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QuiltingVagabond 10-10-2021 06:28 AM

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Jean, just stunning! What an accomplishment!
I did some hand binding last night but thought I would share my work from this past week's retreat(s). I also finished an entire row of Dear Jane blocks!

Iceblossom 10-10-2021 09:07 AM

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I don't know how well the picture will turn out, but Bernie is behaving nicely today. I've been "stabilizing" the top I call Aunt Debbie Bleeds Blue, for my hubby's aunt who is a U Michigan sports fan. The goal is to get this done/shipped out before (again) the Bonnie Hunter mystery starting on Black Friday -- I should make it, if Bernie stays cooperative.

I am quilting design challenged and I got spoiled when I did have a long arm available for my use. For now, I'm reinforcing the design choice of rickrack with my walking foot and a serpentine stitch along the gentle curves of the fan blocks. I have about two more rounds to go, and then I plan to fill in the large areas with FMQ of a vines/flowers meander. The serpentine rounds should be done today.

I'm pleased with the smoothness of the back, even with the delay in getting started quilting on this one (Bernie was in the shop). I'm happy with the tension, the back blue just disappears which was the goal.

Instead of my usual 14 needle, I decided (partly from another thread) to try a 16 jeans needle. It's fine. I'll see what it's like before I start the FMQ part.

osewme 10-10-2021 09:52 AM

This week-end I am working on binding for a charity that makes hospice quilts (sort of). I say sort of because she makes & distributes these quilts to patients in the hospital who never really have the chance of getting into hospice because of their limited time on this earth. After the family member passes, the quilt goes home with the family.
It's been ages since I've had an opportunity to sew & that has driven me crazy. Now I'm taking some time for myself to get my mind & body back into a "good space". :) I need some sort of sewing/quilting every day to function well. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png
Sounds like everyone is going to be busy working on their week-end projects.

Dedemac 10-10-2021 11:01 AM

Just checking in before I get started for the day, Yesterday was fun but very little cutting was accomplished. I was smoothing the fabric before I was going to cut the salvages and silly me I was also sipping my coffee. Guess what I did? Yes coffee on the WOW fabric, cleaned it as best I could and will cut today, any fabric that looks like it's still has coffee I will give it a good rinse after I have cut. Fortunately I pre-washed the whole length. Did enjoy seeing a lot of old friends at the two evening events we had yesterday. DH is in his garage and I'm to the cutting table!

Also love all the projects and pictures we have some awesome sewers here.

Karamarie 10-10-2021 11:32 AM

IceBlossom, that is really pretty. Like the shades of blue with the yellow.

Railroadersbrat 10-10-2021 12:36 PM

Sunday Update
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Ta-Da everyone - goodness, we all have been productive this weekend! Beautiful work all the way around!

I was less than productive yesterday, though I am now back on track. I cut my white hexagons, then realized that I don't really have a place to put all my hexies, so I grabbed some foam board and made a box that sits on my desk now. The left side (top on the pic) has all my hexie forms, the right side has all my white hexies and then the middle has the rosette hexies.

My boy dog was a little stinker yesterday, too. I had a pin cushion that I had just emptied and put on my desk, somehow it managed to fall into the floor and he took off with it and chewed it up. That was his way of telling us he hadn't been fed, so after I picked up all the pieces, I gave him a big bowl of food and he was happy. I'm glad that there wasn't any pins or needles in it, though now I am out a pin cushion that I use specifically for my hand sewing, so at some point in time today, I'm going to have to make a new one. Goofy boy dog.

I did run my theory of tearing down the QSTs and resewing them using a 1/8" seam, it's doable but I went ahead and pulled out four fat quarters and will be pulling out my Muslin later today to cut a couple more FQs so I have enough to just do them again fresh. I made the corrections in the book, so no more making that mistake, lol.

The rest of the day I'm going to work on my leaf blocks, I ordered a quarter inch ruler Friday but I won't get it until Wednesday, so just going to slow down on the table quilt until I get it. If I can, I'll start sewing some hexies.

Quiltah Mama 10-10-2021 01:29 PM

Nana-What an amazing quilt. I am using my kindle, so was able to zoom right in on it, WOW is all I can say. Beautiful work, I'm in awe..

Iceblossom-I remember you posting about your quilt previously, but seeing it completed, wow, your shade of blue with the yellow is stunning. Enjoy your FMQ.

Railroader- your leaf blocks are beautiful, again, zoomed in on them, your points are perfect!!! Great work, can't wait to see it finished.

I got some work done today at the sewing machine. I finished the cording for four jelly roll table runners, just got to zigzag them together. I also got 15 pillows stuffed and now I'm working on glueing them closed so I can do the final stitch to close them, all fall themed. I am still busy sewing jelly roll rugs and table runners for the craft space I have as well as for the two shops I am in, plus trying to get ready for 4 craft fairs I have signed up for later this fall. Hopefully the craft fairs will still proceed, hard telling with Covid and all, if not, how I look at it is, fabric doesn't go bad, so I can tuck stuff away for another time.

I also added a cabinet to my studio today that I can store fabric in, it's all enclosed with a door that secures, so no dust can get in and cause me to sneeze when trying to sew. Can't wait to add fabric I have stored in other totes to make it easier to access.

It's back to work for me tomorrow, so no sewing for me, everyone who can, enjoy. Thank you Raggiemom for hosting. I am looking forward to the two VQW in November. Happy sewing everyone.

Irishrose2 10-10-2021 01:31 PM

Jean, your quilt is awesome and more.
I decided on a thread color - soft blush pink - it reads as white on the crossroads, but isn't stark white on the 16 colorful patches.

Raggiemom 10-10-2021 01:50 PM

Well, I did a little English paper piecing today and prepped three projects also so I feel like I accomplished something this weekend :). I was planning to take it easy this weekend so knew I wouldn't get too much done!

I see many of you have been much more industrious this weekend than I was--good for you!

Rff1010 10-11-2021 02:40 AM

I'm jealous of all the beautiful quilts being posted!

4 episodes of "Bull" later I'm within an arms length of finishing tying the giant batik.

So many other projects on deck - so of course I planned out a Trip Around The World from stash. Sigh. Just another PIB - project in bag

WMUTeach 10-11-2021 03:43 AM

Monday morning update:
My plan was to .
1. Make sample blocks for a gift quilt. Just two! Not this weekend. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/frown.png
2. Make more squares using the 2.5" squares from the Birthday Swap ( 7 done and 13 more to go) Not this weekend https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/frown.png
3. Quilt a UFO - (Did more and now 3/4 done! Yeah. )
4. Deliver a quilt to my longarmer friend - maybe. Not happening this week-end. On the Calendar for Wednesday. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png

I did attend the Virtual 25th Anniversary Celebration for the Virginia Quilt Museum that I thoroughly enjoyed. The cross hatch quilting is nearly done. I will whittle away at my list throughout this week and will anticipate a long Thanksgiving Weekend VQW.

Thank you for hosting, Heather. It is so motivating to have a dedicated span of time to take on a quilting task and to see the progress even when the list doesn't get finished. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png

nanna-up-north 10-11-2021 06:24 AM

So many people got so many things done. I love virtual sewing weekends, too. I will probably be too busy with company during the VQW planned for Thanksgiving but I'll try to join in when I can.

It's been fun, all. Thanks for letting me join in.

Iceblossom 10-11-2021 07:31 AM

Hope everyone has a good week/month ahead of them!

I did indeed get the serpentine stabilizing done on Aunt Debbie's top. Hopefully by the next VQW I will be able to show a completed picture. Maybe. It's a goal anyway...

Today I will bring out the BSR (bernina stitch regulator) and see how I do with FMQ. Will be a test piece (or 2 or 20) first! It takes me quite a bit to switch to FMQ, I keep smashing the foot pedal and wondering why the machine isn't moving (hint to myself, it's because I need to be moving the fabric first!). Getting the sewing table this past summer and being able to lower the machine to table top height has made a big positive change to my physical ability to move the tops around and seems (as hoped) to be improving the technical quality.

My initial desire for the large spaces was a random meander for sort of a lacy effect in the large areas, especially those big expanses of yellow. I'm currently fighting myself against the desire to put some sort of quilted emblem in each corner of the fan blocks, whether that's a flower or UM or something else. I do think random fill is the best for how I've started but I can't draw that out so well in my notebook.

I have a couple of tops that have planned quilting designs and I am working at improving my FMQ skills to work on those. Good thing is I still have plenty of tops, at least 20 more tops all with backings and bindings already made.

While on a Redbox movie binge with the hubby in my non-sewing room time, I finished the hand part of the binding of last year's Bonnie Hunter Mystery, Grassy Creek (or I call my top "Silver Linings"). I am soooo slow at the hand binding... but I have the previous mystery, Frolic to do next. Binding is on by machine, Tuesday quilt group is tomorrow and I can start the hand work there.

thimblebug6000 10-11-2021 08:02 AM

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Trying again to see if I can post pictures of my weekend efforts.

Dedemac 10-11-2021 10:41 AM

Update for the weekend, only have one more fabric to cut and then I can start sewing. Have everything stacked and labeled with post-it notes as to which piece it is. Stopped cutting yesterday when I made my second error! https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/redface.png Glad I always buy extra. This quilt is a Queen and has over 600 different pieces! I usually only do Twin or Lap quilts, but I want one for our bed so a cutting we will go. Continued to work on the project today until I had to drive a friend to the clinic for her mammogram, For me that is more important than quilting. My appointment last year found a spot, and now I'm a survivor!

Just had lunch and back to the cutting tablehttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png. Only 49 more cuts and I can start piecing.

Heather, thanks for posting the thread love these VQW! See everyone next month.

Railroadersbrat 10-11-2021 02:30 PM

Monday Update
Eeish - had a bad night last night. We ended up getting some storms around 3am, which threw my brain into a tizzy and I ended up needing my heavier meds. I haven't been awake but maybe an hour and a half, I still have an aggressive headache and we're due for storms off and on the rest of the week.

No progress on the table quilt today, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get anything done with this headache, but I did make a replacement pin cushion since it was an easy way for me to at least get something accomplished without using my quilting brain. I do want to make another chicken pin cushion with Lisa Pay's pattern, but that involves too much brain, so this little guy will do until I feel better. I used a couple nine patch blocks from the leaders and enders I had, I think he turned out pretty good and I weighed him down with half a bag of rice, so if this one happens to fall to the floor, I'll actually hear it and maybe keep my boy dog from chewing on it.

I did have a thought that I wrote down in my bullet journal so I wouldn't forget, but I am considering making a pin cushion for each quilt that I make using the block that is in the quilt from the leftover scraps. So, for the table quilt, one side would be a Maple Leaf and the other side would be QSTs. I think it would be a neat way to showcase the various quilts I've made over the years.

Railroadersbrat 10-11-2021 02:34 PM

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Pin cushion didn't attach to my last post. I think I'm waiting too long and it times out or something, I know I had it attached at one point.

petthefabric 10-12-2021 02:59 AM

Monkey is great

Karamarie 10-12-2021 05:24 AM

Love your pin cushion. I have that pattern and should make one as my original, which was a gift, is wearing out.

LogCabin82 10-12-2021 07:36 AM

What dates are the virtual weekend for November? :)

Nesie 10-12-2021 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Nesie (Post 8512702)
A little late to the party but here's my list:
1. Make binding and sandwich a Halloween table runner.
2. Applique 2 elephants on a "Mommy and Me" baby quilt.
3. Try to straighten sewing room. Have to be honest, not sure this one will happen.☺
Beautiful work everyone!

Well, I had 3 things on my list and accomplished only 1. Didn't feel well yesterday afternoon so even though I made a lot of progress in the morning I lost my momentum in the afternoon. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I have pix but can't get my technology to cooperate. I'll keep trying though!

WMUTeach 10-13-2021 04:25 AM

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Originally Posted by LogCabin82 (Post 8513176)
What dates are the virtual weekend for November? :)

According to Post #1 the November VQW will be November 12-14. But, there was an ask about the long Thanksgiving weekend.

Just a quick update. I did finish the crosshatch quilting on my UFO. Now it just needs binding. Ta-Da I made another block with my 2.5 Birthday Swap "candies" from this year. No photo of the UFO but here is one of the blocks from my Birthday Swap pieces. I am making one block from each participant in the swap. Eight done and 12 more ready to assemble.

Grandma’sgirl 10-14-2021 04:14 PM

WMUTeach, that quilt block is GORGEOUS. I rarely find fall color palettes that I love, but this is an exception! Thanks so much for sharing!

Rff1010 10-14-2021 11:59 PM

Finished tying the batik beast! Done. Finished. Ready to move into the next project. More to the story on UFO thread in Challenges and Contests.

WMUTeach 10-15-2021 02:53 AM

Post #65 has been reported. 10/15/2021 6:50 AM.

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