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cashs_mom 12-19-2013 10:52 AM

If I'm a hoarder, I don't care! I enjoy buying and having fabrics. If I make them into beautiful things, that's just a bonus!

Txsuthrn 12-19-2013 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Lorraine020 (Post 6462000)
It's not the stash, hoard, collection that's growing, it's our houses that are shrinking. It's a well known fact that creative, intelligent and loving women, quilters in fact, exude warmth which dries out their houses causing shrinkage and therefore their stash, hoard, collection only "appears" to be somewhat large in volume.

Lol I love this one!!

sewbizgirl 12-19-2013 07:06 PM

Heck no, I don't think of myself as a hoarder... In order to create you have to have a stash from which to work, unless you live right beside a LYS. The stash facilitates the creativity and the creation. It would be like calling a painter a "hoarder" because they have more than one tube of paint.

Pilgrim 12-19-2013 07:53 PM

I have so much fabric that I know I will probably never be able to use it all myself. I do donate regularly to the Quilts of Valor our guild is involved with and do give to others who need it. I guess I am a hoarder with no intention of stopping. I do shop from my stash and the stores as well as from people here. I enjoy it, I use a lot of it, give it away, and love having it. I have one room full of fabric and love it. I will use as much as I can before I die and then it can be given to my daughter-in-law's mom, my daughter, daughter-in-law, and the guild I belong it. It will not be wasted or tossed away. Call me a hoarder if you want and I will wear the title with honor.

FranMat2013 12-19-2013 08:55 PM

I don't think of it as "HOARDING". I refer to it as "PREPPING". One never knows when you will need that Lime Green print, also if the power grid goes down I have a machine I can still sew with so I MUST have a stash. I would be able to my family warm with my quilts and I would be able to use them as money for other items. So NO you are not hoarding, you are just thinking ahead. LOL

amyjo 12-19-2013 10:09 PM

I don't think I am a hoarder. I believe I collect just like men collect tools. How many screwdrivers, hammers, drills, etc. do you think my DH has out in the quonset? I don't know and as I am sitting here he sure doesn't either. The other day he said something about cleaning out some stuff in the house and I told him he better leave MY STUFF alone. If he wanted to clean anything get your butt out to the quonset and start cleaning your own stuff out. He has so many buses, cars, pickups filled with stuff that he is going to use sometime. He is 68 1/2 yr old. Getting stiffer with arthritis, and double hernia makes it hard for him to bend over to pick up stuff. I still work and I pay all the bills for the hh and also his gas and fuel bills to feed the cows from the tractor. So until he starts having to pay for my addiction to fabric and old sewing machines, it is hands off. I have 2 girls who will use what I have when I am gone and I also have some friends I have here on the board that I give boxes to.

mshollysd 12-20-2013 05:17 AM

My DH would call me a hoarder as with several uninspired individuals, but I call myself a gatherer, and am always using stuff I have. I guess I understand the definition better because I did have a friend that could have been on hoarders the show. My house or sewing room look nothing like that, and I believe if you are using it, you aren't hoarding it. Now, what are we doing with the quilts made from our stash. Some people hold on to them, but they are out the door for someone at my house. I currently have made hundreds of quilts in my lifetime, and I have 3 in my house right now.

Hulalulu 12-21-2013 08:39 AM

Sure that some of us watch "American Pickers" -- does your stash resemble the big barns full of stuff to the rafters, or the neat collections of lovely items tenderly taken care of?

That might well be the difference between "hoarding" and "collecting".

Weenween 12-21-2013 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Lori S (Post 6461529)
I don't like to think of myself as a fabric hoarder , but my stash never seems to go down in size , only gets larger. .. This got me thinking .. am I hoarding or is it that I am just too optimistic in thinking that I really will get to make all this fabric into quilts? What do you think are you a hoarder or too optimistic for the size of your stash???? or is there something more to your hoard?.... sorry meant to say large stash.

I consider myself a fabric and sewing machine collector not a hoarder. I do give away a lot of quilts as gifts, so therefore I am a collector not a hoarder. A hoarder never gives any thing a way.

ann clare 12-21-2013 11:47 AM

What a great post. Love all the replies. Can associate with some of them. About 6 years ago I did a clean out. Gave away about 9/10ths of my fabric to schools, friends etc. Only kept my favorites. Today I have double what I gave away, more than I will ever use. Am I happy? Yes. I have no problem sharing with my quilting group. Am I a hoarder? No.

Mousie 12-23-2013 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by dunster (Post 6461773)
Well, yes, some of us probably are hoarders, but not everyone with a large stash is a hoarder. If the stash interferes with the rest of your life, rather than enhancing it, then it's a problem. If the stash takes up space that is needed for other basic things, such as eating, cooking, bathing, sleeping, then it's a problem. If we spend money for fabric when it's needed for things like rent, food, or health care, then it's a problem. But if we just have more fabric than we can possibly use in our lifetime... well, it's not as bad as Imelda's shoe collection, is it?

many times I read a question then read responses and identify with one. bingo!
I think we only have to ask ourselves one question:
Is the amount of fabric, notions, etc. that I have distressing me?
(provided you are not "blocking out" or ignoring your discomfort/guilt/depression over it.)

I have a LARGE stash and used to be distressed until I became more organized.
I do think some of us are very sentimental and very optimistic...overly optimistic, sometimes.
We want to quilt for the world, lol. :shock:
I had to realize I have limits and they have been reached.
Sewing for me, cures those "do I have too much", doubts.
One more thing: I discovered, when I covered (made "curtains") for my stash to protect it,
that there was a double effect.
Sunlight, dust etc. couldn't get to it, but I felt much calmer and not overwhelmed
by all the stimulation of so many projects waiting. Works for me

mommafank 12-23-2013 05:05 PM

I think it may be called "Fabric Obsessed".:thumbup:

fktsewing 12-23-2013 06:18 PM

Contrary to what my dd thinks, I do not consider myself a hoarder---at least not like the kind on tv. Yes, I have tons of fabric, sewing machines X 8, patterns, notions, and various related supplies, but I do not have bugs, vermon, or dead food strewn all over my house and floor. Is my sewing room packed with shelves, Rubbermaid containers, and cabinets, yes,--does it get out of control at times, yes and I am sure I will never be able to use every piece I have, but I do clean out every couple of years and donate fabric to a worthy organization that makes quilts for kids. I do not drink, smoke, do drugs, gamble or cheat on my husband. It is my therapy and sanity. So call me hoarder if you will, but it is my only vice.

IAmCatOwned 12-23-2013 06:33 PM

I certainly have hoarding tendencies. What they show on that show are the worst of hoarders. Many more of us hoard without getting to that level. We rationalize the acquisition of more fabric when we already have a collection larger than can be used up for years. This is not the same as having a collection to choose from.

Anyway, my hoard is getting used down, slower than planned because of remodeling and injury, but it is going. My crafting book and cookbook collection is almost as bad!

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