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BettyGee 06-24-2014 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise (Post 6769001)
One of the things I kept hearing is "your not old enough to be a quilter"
I was in my early 40's (42-43) when I started quilting.

Still I get the occasional your not old enough line. Now I just tell them
you don't have to be "old" to have a love of quilting.

I turned 50 on June 12th........... does that make me old enough now? LOL

I live in Colorado, I'm 73 and do believe as an adult I am old enough to quilt. I've been quilting for the last 30 years and loving every minute. Love your "Yes, you do need more fabric." Hey they might stop making it tomorrow so get it while you can, right? Only thing that I keep wondering about is to wash or not wash your fabric before using it. Still pondering that one. Never have prewashed and so far it hasn't failed me.

Maggieloe 06-24-2014 07:48 AM

:D Funny, nobody ever tells me I'm too young to quilt.

cdevine 06-24-2014 09:24 AM

I have only been quilting for about a year now. I do get the looks from people who believe I am to young (you can see it in the expression). I have others who get really upset with me because I plan out my quilts (cut on certain days) because I work full time also. So when the weekend comes I just sew until my little heart is filled with Joy of my new creation. I have done several quilt tops this year and so excited to do more.

The misconceptions I have heard is:
1. Age.. So wrong I have been teaching my 10 & 12 year old (LOVE)
2. Never enough fabric - I agree with this since I am always needing more of something. But I did see this a story recently about a wonderful lady who passed away and she had so much fabric her family had to do an estate sale and she had a front yard FULL of fabric. So maybe there is a time when there is to much?
3. Sewing Machines - I was doing all my quilt tops on a OLD Brother machine and honestly she was my baby but I did upgrade and I do LOVE the one i have now.
4. Fabric is Fabric Right?
5. Quilting is Cheap (WRONG)
6. You can throw that together for me in a week right? :shock:

I have a few more but so far I wouldnt change much of anything I have done. I love being creative and teaching my young daughters your NEVER to young to learn.

SlightlyOffQuilter 06-24-2014 10:35 AM

One of the things I have heard personally, is " How can you afford to quilt ? ". While others have mentioned that some people think quilting is a cheap hobby, there are those who DO know the cost of our passionate crafting choice and I am asked often how I can afford to do it on my limited income. Yes, quilting is expensive ! But it can be done on a budget and still produce a quality quilt ! It means waiting for sales, It means grabbing the designer fabrics when they hit the clearance shelf at the LQS and not off the New Release shelf. Great fabric is great fabric, regardless if it is 2 seasons old ! It means using sheets from the thrift store ! OMG yes I did so say that ! I LOVE thrift store sheets ! Especially solid colored ones. I have totes FULL of them ! So yes. Quilting is not CHEAP by any means, but it also does not have to be overly expensive either !

ube quilting 06-24-2014 01:27 PM

Quilting and sewing are one and the same.

I can quilt.

I can't sew a button on to save my pants from falling down!

JoanPooley 06-28-2014 01:45 PM

One rule only,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the thread must go thru the eye of the needle! that's it

ghostrider 06-28-2014 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by Quilt30 (Post 6768825)
The misconceptions or misinformation you have heard about quilting. I get confused with all different opinions. What can I believe.

Misconceptions, misinformation, and opinions are not at all the same thing.

Misconceptions and misinformation are, by their very definitions, incorrect. Don't believe any of them. Investigate and find your own reality (see 'opinions', below).

Opinions, on the other hand, are never incorrect. They are merely what someone else believes to be the truth, baseless or not. You may not agree with them, but that doesn't make them incorrect. Listen to them all, try out however many make sense to you, keep the ones you like, forget about the ones you don't like. They will all teach you something and you'll wind up with your own, very personal, set of opinions...just like all the rest of us. This is an ongoing process, for opinions can and do change with new information.

The key is to keep an open mind...always open to adaptations of techniques, changes in style and taste, improvements in abilities, and the constant flow of new information and products...to allow yourself continued growth as a quilter.

GrannieAnnie 06-28-2014 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Quilt30 (Post 6768825)
The misconceptions or misinformation you have heard about quilting. I get confused with all different opinions. What can I believe.

Generally, there are no hard and fast rules, except maybe try to be neat!

GrannieAnnie 06-28-2014 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by dunster (Post 6768847)
One misconception I hear a lot is that seam allowance doesn't matter, as long as you're consistent. (That only works with a very limited set of patterns. The rest are designed for a 1/4" seam allowance.) Another is the complaint that patterns should be designed for 1/4" instead of for a scant 1/4". (They are designed for 1/4". The scant comes in because fabrics and threads have different thickness, which has to be taken into account.)

Another misconception is that all quilt store fabric is good and all bargain store fabric is bad.

And then there are many, many misconceptions concerning copyright.

you can use any seam allowance you want, AS LONG AS you cut your pieces to reflect the seam allowance you've chosen

GrannieAnnie 06-28-2014 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise (Post 6769001)
One of the things I kept hearing is "your not old enough to be a quilter"
I was in my early 40's (42-43) when I started quilting.

Still I get the occasional your not old enough line. Now I just tell them
you don't have to be "old" to have a love of quilting.

I turned 50 on June 12th........... does that make me old enough now? LOL

Think I'll start teaching my almost 3 yo GD to quilt. As long as she sews two pieces together, she'd be starting, right?

What's age got to do with it?

GrannieAnnie 06-28-2014 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by Onebyone (Post 6770139)
I guess the one I hear the most is 'my great grandmother made real quilts by hand with a frame suspended in her living room'. Well yeah, it was the only way she had to make them.

I came close to smacking a guy who criticized the machine pieced and machine quilted quilt we had on our raffle. "not the way my mother did it"

nanac 06-29-2014 06:17 AM

In quilting, as with almost everything else, what is BEST is what works for YOU. Some people love scrappy quilts, while others like controlled patterns. While I love the look of bargelloes, that definitely would not work for me. Some people turn out stunning machine pieced quilts, but that does not work for me - I hate being 'tied' to the machine, and I can take my hand-piecing with me anywhere. Some people pre-wash and starch everything; nope, not for me. But I do what works for me, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks or says. I am proud of every single quilt I have made, because I DID IT. Once you quit worrying about what is best, or what others believe, you will find your own style, and hopefully, have fun doing it.

Geri B 06-30-2014 09:08 AM

Whether misconceptions, misinformation or just plan opinions, I do not pay any attention to any of it...I just quilt because I enjoy the creativity and personal accomplishment of it....and ever changing ways of doing the craft.......don't try to analyze - just do!

Sewnoma 06-30-2014 12:40 PM

I've had co-workers jokingly tell me I'm too young to quilt, but never has another quilter said that to me! I don't even know what that means! "Too young to quilt" to me implies little children that might hurt themselves with a needle or scissors.

I am younger that most of the ladies in my guild, but not (I think) THE youngest. And many of my guild-mates are teachers and regularly involve "their kids" in quilting. I'm a new member so haven't seen this myself but I know they brought in a group of these kids (ages 8-13 or so, I think) to show off their quilts not too long ago, and sponsor the kids so they can come to our annual show.

I'll turn 40 next year. I'm too young to give up my hobby, and too old to care if anybody else thinks I'm the wrong age for it!!

bearisgray 07-06-2014 11:06 AM

The quilt police are all nasty, critical, old witches with nothing better to do than tear someone else's work apart.

If one thinks of a police person as someone to turn to when in trouble - or as a mentor - than the term may not be so negative.

Another misconception: No one will notice a glaring mistake or shoddy workmanship.
A polite person probably will not mention it - but chances are someone will notice - if only the maker.

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