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Debbie Ness 06-28-2023 10:34 AM

Why didn't I do this sooner??!
2 Attachment(s)
I purchased a used HQ Sixteen 5 years ago. The poor thing sat in the corner for all this time because I was too afraid to use it. My only other experience with a long arm was with a Gammel that was super picky. I finally screwed up my nerve and loader her up and quilted a large queen with a meander. The stitches were acceptable and the quilt was done in 4 hours (with breaks in between). I am so happy and so agry at my self that I didn't do this sooner. Next quilt goes right on and away I go!!
I just wanted to share my happyness and to everyone out there that may be hesitant to try something new to just go for it. What could be the worst that could happen. Here is the photo of the quilt and of me working on my poor neglected baby. No more, I tell you!. Happy Happy, Joy Joy.

Quiltwoman44 06-28-2023 10:56 AM

Ha, ha. the first time doing anything is always the hardest! Good for you. Great big quilt!

toogie 06-28-2023 01:12 PM

You sound like me with my first Embroidery machine. I just bought a 4x4 size Brother, at Walmart and no pc back then, for video instructions. It sat in the box unopened for 2 days. When the girl I worked with asked how I liked it, I told her I was too intimidated to try. She came right over and I remember the first design we stitched. A green rose! I just had a few thread colors so we stitched the whole big rose and leaves all green-lol I don’t think I could have waited as long as you, but I’m glad you finally tried. I’m sure you will love it. I have a long arm but it’s in a table. The lady I bought it from bought it new and it was on a frame. She had them put it in a table bc she didn’t have the room for the frame. Neither do I, but I still long for one. I hope you have so much fun quilting.

quiltedsunshine 06-28-2023 03:43 PM

Yay! Have fun with it!

aashley333 06-29-2023 02:40 AM

I'm in the same boat. I bought a sit down long arm a few months ago that is very intimidating for me. FMQ is new for me because I never thought I'd have a long arm. I practice on it, but am afraid to start a whole quilt! I have a quilt all sandwiched up but am stuck at the quilting. Still tempted to SID on domestic, but trying to build up courage to try stippling.

Karamarie 06-29-2023 07:36 AM

Good for you - enjoy!!!

SallyS 06-29-2023 08:03 AM

Good for you. I identify. I went from reading anything and then being able to teach it, to being timid and reluctant to try. Now I'm on a new path, excited about trying something new. Glad to know I'lm not alone!

joe'smom 06-29-2023 09:50 AM

Mine sat for a long time, too.

One thing that really helped me was a video I happened upon. This quilt instructor came right out and said (paraphrase), 'Look, you're going to do some ugly quilting when you start out. You have to give yourself permission to ruin some quilts.'

So I started out with quilts that meant less to me, gave myself permission to ruin them, and it got me out of my paralysis. And they weren't ruined -- once you wash the quilt, you can't really tell how expertise the stitching is. It's funny, that while I'm picky about my piecing, I'm super casual about my quilting. Maybe as I get better, I'll get fussier about that, too.

(And don't waste any energy being angry with yourself!)

sewingpup 06-29-2023 11:19 AM

I let my fear of not being able to do classic customized quilting feathers and wreaths and all that keep me from enjoying my hobby at first. . I was thinking I can't do that. Well 12 years later, I still am not there. My favorite quilting pattern is what I call meander plus. It is basically a meander with little motifs thrown in here and there. My favorites to do are meander with hearts, meander with leaves, meander with loops, double loops, and triple loops or a combination of them. I am finishing a graduation quilt for my niece. I showed some examples of each of these and she really liked the double loop de loops. So that is that. That is what it will be. I do make them in different sizes and directions intentionally trying to make them look more naturally organic than anything formal. I have accepted that is the type of quilter I am. The quilting is the part I do so my quilts stick together and that is just fine. I have a 26 inch Lucey APQS machine on a 12 foot frame with stitch regulations. No computer, just the basics. I really do like her. Just go for it, you do not need to be like anyone else. You will find out which you enjoy doing and which you can do. At my age, I don't have the fine motor skills for delicate formal custom quilting. I am just fine for my organic meander plus.

quiltsfor 06-29-2023 12:21 PM

I find myself holding off from time to time. I get to a point sometimes and the brain weasles nudge me and whisper, if you start this step you might ruin what you've got done so far. Then, I usually find that when I start whatever the brain weasles were holding me off from, ends up being a lot easier than I thought and I don't have any problems doing it.

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