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Madan49 06-29-2014 03:38 AM

I learned to sew on the old Singer as soon as my feet could reach the treadle! I started making my own clothes by the time I was ten! My sister in law Roberta (on this board too) will vouch for that! First I started because I was picky about everything... later because I was really TALL and back in those days it was impossible to find "store bought" clothes for tall girls. I made most of my kids clothes till they were in school... then they got what all the other kids were wearing. Gotta fit in, doncha know! ;)
I've done all the crafty stuff... crochet, knitting, cross-stitch, etc. But quilting is the one I stick with. I've been doing it for a lot of years, and I can't seem to get by without my quilting "fix". I like all the stages of quilting, from designing patterns to hand stitching the binding on. I like the precision, the colors, the textures, the skill it requires... everything about it speaks to my soul!

papagrandma12 06-29-2014 03:44 AM

Why do I sew? Therapy!!

grann of 6 06-29-2014 04:38 AM

Love everyone's answers. My mother made just about everything, suits for my brothers, all my clothes, the curtains at the windows, etc. So it was natural for me to sew. I started sewing at about 5 and by high school was making my own clothes and making all my Christmas presents for aunts, and making baby layettes for the orphans home in my town. I made all my children's clothes too. Then after my DH passed and I moved out here in the sticks, my dear neighbor (now deceased) convinced me to try quilting. I am sure she is looking down and smiling at the "monster" she created. Quilting is my sanity on a tough day, and my relaxation on a quiet evening. I was given a "gift" and I feel it is my duty to pass it on by making quilts for those who have been struck down by some tragedy. Everyone needs a hug at some time in their lives, so I am trying to spread my hugs throughout the land.

BettyGee 06-29-2014 05:22 AM

So happy to see a post from you, seems like I've not seen your name as often. Anyway I quilt because I love to make things. I love the colors and the feel of fabric, cutting pieces to form beautiful designs, quilting so that the stitching adds to the pattern and then giving it to a friend or family member who is tickled.

quiltmom04 06-29-2014 05:26 AM

I quilt and sew because I LOVE it and it is very calming and therapeutic. The feel of the fabric, the sound of the machine and seeing a design come together has such a relaxing effect on me, I can not imagine NOT sewing. And while I understand that people have other things they love to do, I feel like I'm lucky that what I love to do also produces a finished product, as opposed to hours spent golfing or reading.

SimpsonFrances 06-29-2014 05:29 AM

Quilting is my hobby! However, as I quilt I can be whomever I want....the artist who chooses colors, the seamstress who creates, the legend in my family who passes the art to the next generation. I "quilted" with my maternal grandmother growing up and I learned much about her life growing up. She passed on love of family, and life lessons on to me for sharing later in life. I can pray as I quilt, giving glory, counting blessings, and asking for help with life. I can share my time with others or love my solitude. The people I meet who share my hobby also share many of my goals and understand me. I don't have to explain myself or validate myself to them. Quilters are a unique group of people who are usually appreciative of life in the past and look forward to the future. How can anyone not appreciate quilting if they really know the quilters? That is why I quilt...

jolo 06-29-2014 05:52 AM

I quilt because I love to do it. PLUS I am now alone here with no family close to me since I lost my son.A daughter in Texas and one in Florida. At my age and with a need for constant Oxygen I am at home and just cant sit and watch tv ,But, I can sit watch tv(or at least listen) and quilt whether it be hand quilting or machine. I cant even estimate how many I have made. But at 81 my mind is still clear,thank you Lord, and my hands agile .I make quilts to give away and for my own beds. It keeps me sane!!!!! lol

SimpsonFrances 06-29-2014 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by jolo (Post 6778809)
I quilt because I love to do it. PLUS I am now alone here with no family close to me since I lost my son.A daughter in Texas and one in Florida. At my age and with a need for constant Oxygen I am at home and just cant sit and watch tv ,But, I can sit watch tv(or at least listen) and quilt whether it be hand quilting or machine. I cant even estimate how many I have made. But at 81 my mind is still clear,thank you Lord, and my hands agile .I make quilts to give away and for my own beds. It keeps me sane!!!!! lol

God bless you!

charhend 06-29-2014 09:28 AM

I quilt because I enjoy the craft. It's like putting a puzzle together. One of the biggest things is that it is a stress reliever for me. When I quilt I only think about what I am doing. I wish I had more time for it!

oldtnquiltinglady 06-29-2014 09:49 AM

I quilt because it is in my blood, I guess. My grannie, and aunts, and cousins, and sisters all belong to the sewing/quilting sorority. Everyone has a different talent; we have all quilted or sewed as long as I can remember; "country before country was cool" so to speak. I cannot begin to count the quilts I have made in my lifetime (my son still has one that I worked on at the lake when we were camped out in the Texas hill country); I make them for no reason at all and give them away. I have one quilt that I made for myself. I have made many for myself, but when a kid or grandkid comes over and likes it, it goes home with him/her. This one is staying here on my bed.

purplefiend 06-29-2014 06:56 PM

I like to make quilts because its my creative outlet and its just fun!

quilterpurpledog 06-29-2014 07:02 PM

I love this question and all of the responses. I have sewed since I was six or so. I made doll clothes for dolls I never played with; the my mother let me have some feed sack material and I made skirts and aprons, then dresses . I made my clothes most of my life. I still make most of them except jeans and t-shirts. However during the Stretch and Sew era I made my kids clothes, things for my husband and lingerie. I an a Home Economics graduate and taught for several years. I have done custom dressmaking, made a number of wedding gowns. Then, I fabricated draperies and other home decor stuff for a small business I started. Then came quilting and just fun sewing. Why do I sew? I love to do it, can be creative in a medium I understand. I love the process and the product. Can't quit-it is just a part of who I am.

nanac 06-29-2014 08:06 PM

I am pretty much a self taught quilter. I do it because it is soothing for me, and because I can take it with me when I go somewhere. It's really funny, because I can't draw a straight line without a ruler, but I can do a 1/4 seam just by eyeballing it. I am not artistic in any other way, but every quilt I have ever done has turned out much better that it was in my imagination.

DonnaPBradshaw 06-29-2014 09:02 PM

I started sewing about 13 years old. If I wanted new clothes I had to make them myself. I started quilting about 1999 and have not stopped! Love it and have accumulated about 14 quilts that are stored on top of a bed. I've made bags for them and put labels on the straps so it's easy to find the one I want.

solstice3 06-30-2014 07:39 AM

I sew and do other crafts because I like to keep busy and have to do something to keep from going crazy from my DH's requests that I sit and watch tv with him. TV is just background noise for me

AngeliaNR 06-30-2014 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by nanac (Post 6779688)
I am pretty much a self taught quilter. I do it because it is soothing for me, and because I can take it with me when I go somewhere. It's really funny, because I can't draw a straight line without a ruler, but I can do a 1/4 seam just by eyeballing it. I am not artistic in any other way, but every quilt I have ever done has turned out much better that it was in my imagination.

We must be related!
Funny thing, though, I was trying to graph an idea the other day, and, even with a ruler, I drew a crooked line! I have requested EQ7 for Christmas--hoping that will help!

quilter2090 06-30-2014 12:21 PM

There is this NEED to create! It strange, but I have this feeling come over me that I need to MAKE something! It's strange and it's hard to explain to people who are not creative that there is a drive to create something. I am trying to get back into garment sewing,but like you have some issues with fit. I have bought some Craftsy sewing classes to get myself back into the garment sewing groove. It is nice that when you sew something, you have something to show what you have accomplished at the end of the day.

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