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mom-6 10-02-2013 09:54 AM

Have you checked to see if there is a bit of thread or lint hiding out under/around the feed dog area?

I've had that create all sorts of problems even when I thought I'd cleaned the area, but there was still a nasty bit hanging out in there causing problems.

dabbler312 10-02-2013 10:53 AM

Thanks mom-6 for the suggestion but I've already tried that as well - changed needle, rethreaded machine, took the bobbin out and reinstalled - still has issues - I'll take the small brite lite and air can to it tonight to see if more gunk is in there. Praying for a positive result. AMEN

DustysMomma 10-03-2013 04:16 AM

Dabbler, these are 2 Scandanavian food items I haven't heard about. I'm going to have to ask the man about them, since he's from Denmark. I poked around online & found that it's considered traditional holiday food, but it's not in southwest Denmark where he's from. He went to college outside Copenhagen though, so even if they don't usually have it on his end of the country, surely he's heard of it. That part of Denmark has a heavy German influence. There are polsevogns (sausage wagons) everywhere in the shopping areas, and the favorite way for the Danes to eat them is called a Fransk hotdog (French hotdog) where they take one end of a baguette and stick it on this machine that makes a hole down in it, then they squirt remoulade sauce in it (which the man also loves on french fries) and stick an extra long hot dog in it. (http://streetcuisine.blogspot.com/20...polsevogn.html) I prefer mine with curry ketchup, so apparently I'm considered a freak, even to the polsevogn owners.

Danish remoulade sauce looks like yellowish chunky mayo to me. It's more like a tartar sauce though. It mayo that's got some mustard, pickle relish, onion, and if you buy it pre-made it usually has finely chopped egg in it too.

I love the polsevogns. Here's a link to a photo:


See the red box on the end? That's the motor. Yep, they're driveable. So where would someone sit to drive a polsevogn? On the red box of course! The red metal rod sticking out that goes out of the picture is the steering mechanism. I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw one driving down the street in Copenhagen. I tried to get a picture, but all I got was a man sitting on a box.

I hope things go well with your machine Dabbler! At least you do have an option...and a backup!

Edit: I just asked him about the dishes you mentioned & he said "No, that's a Norwegian thing." Now I suddenly have the urge for a franske hotdog!

fmhall2 10-04-2013 06:46 AM

Dabbler, I had the same type of problem this week with my Brother that my students use. For three different days a student would complain about it not sewing right and bunches of thread on the back side - they were quilting with the walking foot. I had them rethread the machine and all those things you usually do first, then finally put new thread onto a new bobbin from the spool of thread they were using. Bingo, that was the problem. Apparently that Brother CS6000i has to have the same thread on top and bobbin. Will remember that for the future.

Elisabrat 10-04-2013 07:07 AM

I am hungry and willing. cinnamon sugar butter please :) my mom cooked lots of German and Swedish some French foods.. she was not into "dat American food... Garbage" she used to say. I used to crave.. peanut butter jelly sandwiches .. no way was she making that so I would trade my metwurst and blood sausage sandwich's for the coveted pbj lol. Never told her :) I saw some frozen in the store near Jan's. is frozen ok and will it taste vastly different. just pop me a dozen in the mail I will send Steve out to the box to get them. ready with napkin and plate. hurry up I am hungry! lefse for breakfast yipppeee!

Monstookie 10-05-2013 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6316659)
guess I will sit here all sad Monstookie is hiding. I have her goodies ready to send.. she doesn't love me any more bet she is wandering around in that beautiful brassiere she was making for me.. all those sparkly things and maybe a tassel or two. we want pics girl if your not going to share it. sigh..

today blustery rainy morn a bit of a chill was 34 when I woke up. now its 38 warming up by the second. the mountains all around Cody are frosted with snow. If the clouds would clear I could even take a picture. hurry up clouds I want photos! think I will pull out Halloween blocks and see what they inspire me to make today or not. lol going to sew something but first to scrounge up food. that might be a challenge. the larder is getting pretty bare just to find the energy to go shopping. got the list going does that count?

Hi Elisabrat... I was in hiding. Kinda. Just had the worst possible month at work. Whimper whimper. But things are finally calming down (she says with fingers crossed). But even if I haven't bee nonlinear, I have been doing some sewing. Not as much as I would like, but some. So far, I am really happy with what I am making you. Just finishing the quilting and binding. Can't remember the ship date for this swap. Gotta check...but I'm hoping to get the package in the mail this week. Woohoo!

DustysMomma 10-05-2013 09:17 PM

Welcome back Monstookie!

I went to the doctor Tuesday & he said he was swapping me to Humera for my recently diagnosed arthritis. I've had some really bad days recently with it, so I'll be glad when it's all set up. I got the call Friday from the company that sets it all up with the mail order pharmacy for me. I'm hoping to hear from the pharmacy on Monday & then the turnaround is 24-72 hours to get my medicine in-hand, then another trip tot he doctor's office to get the first dose & training on how to give it myself. In the meantime, I'm living on Aleve like the good doctor told me to. I'm looking forward to lots of sewing tomorrow, I hope, and lots of catch up work once I get my medication on board!

Elisabrat 10-06-2013 03:41 PM

well hot doggidy your going to be good as new or killing your neighbors with a stick of butter in the middle of the night (surely you read that possible side affect right?) wishing you well on that dustysmomma.

I am wanting my dosing of lefse. sheeesh waiting waiting waiting..

ok really want to know what? I was thinking of stuffing and gravy and at the same time "your a mean one.. mister Grinch" and well does that say anything about my mindset and if so it can't be good. wishing to hear from my partner.. toe tapping wild one she is.. I think she ran off with the Music man I just know it.

DustysMomma 10-07-2013 03:40 AM

No sewing yesterday, but I did spend lots of time on the couch, unzipping and organizing my embroidery design files on my laptop. I'm still nowhere near done though. This tropical storm coming in has had my back, knees, and hands miseribly sore, even with the double dose of Aleve. Another wasted weekend. :( The only constructive thing I managed to do was cooking dinner all 3 days, but 2 of those days were leftovers that only needed rice cooked to go with them, and last night I did shortcut country fried steak in the oven. The man said he actually liked it better, so that works for me.

Remember when they used to tell everyone who had certain medical conditions that they should move to Arizona? Well my brother moved there about a year ago, and with the way that my body has felt recently, a move to a more stable climate sounds really good, lol. Maybe then I'd get more sewing done than I have lately.

Elisabrat 10-07-2013 06:28 AM

AZ is wonderfully dry. however new places new allergies new pollens so maybe we just need to hang a bit better? I moved here to Wyoming and my eyes look like little draculas. pollens are getting me good, sneezing! runny morning nose! oh joy! lol but I will adjust and it will be all good. I hope your aches are going to be relieved. I manage to cook every day its that or we don't eat. pbj anyone? or he can make a pretty good scrambled egg (ok its browned a bit) but when you cant do it well it nice to have someone who can.

I am already planning dinner tonight the deal is should it be veal scaloppini or should I make veal parmesan? see I managed to get these wonderful cutlets and wanted something different. I never cook veal its a principal thing but here I was at the market and looking for new and adventurous and it was saying try me try me so here it is. and some lovely pasta to go with it and some maybe green beans with toasted almond slivers.. oh and tonight its crepes willed with warm apple pie filling and some powder sugar/lemon zest on top and vanilla ice cream to go with it. he will love it. its going to be a great day. oh yeah and some sewing to fill in the rest of the hours. this is my favorite day of the week!

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