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montanablu 08-29-2011 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by fromzstore

Originally Posted by pattis47
I second that request to have my F8 returned, you can also return the F8 from Boom 4 since you never mailed that block either. Thanks for your prompt attention......

Originally Posted by paintmejudy
All blocks for F8s received, have been mailed back.

I haven't received blocks from
Brenda 5
Nurse Bonnie

I assume Lillie has dropped out, since she never sent out F8s. At this point, Lillie, feel free to just send back my F8. Thank you.

this is the first time i have done a swap like this and i have not received about half of the finished blocks is this usually the case if so i wont be doing another besides the time it takes to do a swap like this it is very expensive to mail i am also in another swap that does not seem to be going to happen and i have 24 blocks i sent in that one i may just swap with individuals and forget about the organized ones hate to do it because i enjoy getting to try new ideas has anyone run into this before



Sorry to hear you are discouraged - this one has apparently hit many at a bad/busy time in their lives. I, too have not rec'd sev'l. This is my 3rd Boomerang, & neither of the other 2 drug on this long. Maybe consider giving it another try - maybe in the fall people won't be quite so busy & they can get their blocks done in a more timely manner.
Hope your blocks start rolling in! Keep positive!

LauraEllen 08-29-2011 08:11 AM

All of this animosity is making me nervous, LOL!
Let's all keep in mind there there are still a couple of days to get blocks in the mail.

karenpatrick 08-29-2011 08:57 AM

After reading about all the animosity associated with this swap, I'd be happy to reimburse anybody for their F8 if they are unhappy with the blocks I have sent so far. I'd also like to return the F8s I have yet to make into blocks. I'm not going to waste my time and fabrics if they are not going to meet with expectations. I have better things to do with my time. This is my first and last swap. This has been a very busy summer with some prior quilting committments. I knew that I would not be able to get my blocks done until close to the last minute, which I said at the very beginning. I'm very disappointed to have this swap turn out like this.

LauraEllen 08-29-2011 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by karenpatrick
After reading about all the animosity associated with this swap, I'd be happy to reimburse anybody for their F8 if they are unhappy with the blocks I have sent so far. I'd also like to return the F8s I have yet to make into blocks. I'm not going to waste my time and fabrics if they are not going to meet with expectations. I have better things to do with my time. This is my first and last swap. This has been a very busy summer with some prior quilting committments. I knew that I would not be able to get my blocks done until close to the last minute, which I said at the very beginning. I'm very disappointed to have this swap turn out like this.

I haven't received my block from you yet, but please don't feel like you need to return my F8. I'm sure whatever block you send me with be beautiful! :D

karenpatrick 08-29-2011 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by karenpatrick
After reading about all the animosity associated with this swap, I'd be happy to reimburse anybody for their F8 if they are unhappy with the blocks I have sent so far. I'd also like to return the F8s I have yet to make into blocks. I'm not going to waste my time and fabrics if they are not going to meet with expectations. I have better things to do with my time. This is my first and last swap. This has been a very busy summer with some prior quilting committments. I knew that I would not be able to get my blocks done until close to the last minute, which I said at the very beginning. I'm very disappointed to have this swap turn out like this.

I'd also be happy to return anyone's block that they have sent me. I still have them in the original envelopes that I received them in. I don't mind paying the postage to send them back.

Thank you Laura Ellen. Your block will go out in the mail tomorrow.

Havplenty 08-29-2011 09:39 AM

okay i have to chime in now. i believe that some are taking others expressed feelings as an indictment of themselves personally. i didn't get that sentiment from the other comments. i got that they were merely expressing their opinions. i didn't see any direct finger pointing and i have two pairs of eyes on (contacts & reading glasses). of course this is all imho.

there is a deadline date that is september 4, 2011. i would imagine that if you cannot meet the deadline date you should let the effected persons know that now and not on september 4th. i also had expressed early on that i would start blocks late due to finals, school and what not but i fully expect to have all blocks in the mail this week.

yes there are some of my blocks that will have points off but i have seen off points in some of the "professional" quilts in books and mags. please know that i tried my best to get those points right and sometimes resewed a few. and i know i had a pressing issue on one or two blocks that can be corrected to the receiver's taste if they think it is too noticable. but i have went through a hugh investment in time & using quality fabrics in making blocks that i would be proud of despite the small boo-boos. everything is going to be a matter of taste to the receipient no matter what we have chosen to do.

the block swap is open to sewers/quilters of all levels and those who participate must remember that foremost. while everything we receive may not be what we would have chosen for ourselves, we accepted that fact when we entered this swap. i am a most modern print lover and block lover. some may receive my modern take on their fabrics/blocks and it not be what they had in mind at all. i am sure as quilters we can repurpose such blocks if we find we need to or make any necessary adjustments if that's called for.

i hope we can all finish this swap with a positive attitude despite our personal feelings. it does no one any good to feel beat up on or feel as if there is a finger pointing at them at this point in the swap. finish your blocks and hopefully you have grown as a quilter after this experience. i know that i have and if i have totally missed the mark on your finished block, please know that in my eye i was creating a masterpiece and the few mishaps that may exist in your block will hopefully give it more character (but hopefully your quilting will make them less noticable :-)).


Havplenty 08-29-2011 09:55 AM

oh btw, jennifer22206 included a siggie block with her f8. what am i to do with it? i pm'd her but have not received a response yet. i would like to know before i package her block up to be mailed this week.

LauraEllen 08-29-2011 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Havplenty
oh btw, jennifer22206 included a siggie block with her f8. what am i to do with it? i pm'd her but have not received a response yet. i would like to know before i package her block up to be mailed this week.

I wrote my real name and state on it. I hope that was the right thing to do!

materialgrl 08-29-2011 10:09 AM

I have no problem receiving late blocks,take your time, I can be put on the bottom,even if its past the due date. just send me a block and I am a happy camper, please lets all just get along.

paintmejudy 08-29-2011 10:13 AM

I think the postings of who hasn't received what is simply a reminder of what hasn't arrived, no mean-ness/animosity/distaste intended, just a friendly reminder if blocks are missing. And if they are late, so be it - all we ask is communication to let us know what your mailing schedule is going to be.

Originally Posted by LauraEllen
All of this animosity is making me nervous, LOL!
Let's all keep in mind there there are still a couple of days to get blocks in the mail.

paintmejudy 08-29-2011 10:16 AM

Karen I received a beautiful block from you. I loved it, as I told you when I posted the picture. You did a great job.

Originally Posted by karenpatrick
After reading about all the animosity associated with this swap, I'd be happy to reimburse anybody for their F8 if they are unhappy with the blocks I have sent so far. I'd also like to return the F8s I have yet to make into blocks. I'm not going to waste my time and fabrics if they are not going to meet with expectations. I have better things to do with my time. This is my first and last swap. This has been a very busy summer with some prior quilting committments. I knew that I would not be able to get my blocks done until close to the last minute, which I said at the very beginning. I'm very disappointed to have this swap turn out like this.

heyjami 08-29-2011 10:31 AM

ditto for me! I'll take a nice block from you please.
I love them all!

Originally Posted by LauraEllen

Originally Posted by karenpatrick
After reading about all the animosity associated with this swap, I'd be happy to reimburse anybody for their F8 if they are unhappy with the blocks I have sent so far. I'd also like to return the F8s I have yet to make into blocks. I'm not going to waste my time and fabrics if they are not going to meet with expectations. I have better things to do with my time. This is my first and last swap. This has been a very busy summer with some prior quilting committments. I knew that I would not be able to get my blocks done until close to the last minute, which I said at the very beginning. I'm very disappointed to have this swap turn out like this.

I haven't received my block from you yet, but please don't feel like you need to return my F8. I'm sure whatever block you send me with be beautiful! :D

Janetlmt 08-29-2011 12:43 PM

I have no problem with blocks not showing up by the deadline. I am pleased with all that I have received. I do hope that the blocks I sent out were liked. I have a stack finished, ready to mail. I have one block that is almost completed and will be mailed tomorrow with the others. I will be finished this evening with all the blocks.
I have been quilting for 28 years. I would call that seasoned. With each project or just a block I always learn something new. Sometimes there is a mistake and the seams don't match exactly. I expect that. Not ever single point is exact.
In almost all of the blocks I made were made with 4/5 fabrics and not basic patterns. I put a lot of pride in my work and I feel that it is good. It isn't perfect..nothing in this world is perfect, only God's Love.

Janetlmt 08-29-2011 03:36 PM

This is an update on what I have received and sent.

Received the following finished blocks:
total 23 received

Blocks going out Tuesday 8/30
total 14

Blocks not received
total 12

If I have any errors please PM me and I will correct it.

materialgrl 08-29-2011 03:38 PM

Yippee,all my blocks are on their way home,the Canada ones will probable late as will Navarres 2011 sorry,but let me know if they don't arrive,i only had to buy fabric for 2 blocks,all the rest where from my stash,that made me happy.I hope you had fun making yours,as I had fun making the ones I had.

materialgrl 08-29-2011 03:45 PM

Did any one else have this situation,I got the fabric looked at and said,oh my goodness,what could I possible have to match this?Then I start looking in my stash and lo and behold eureka! something matches,and when did I buy that?I have to look to my stash more often,there is a lot of stuff folded and tucked away.LOL

Janetlmt 08-29-2011 03:47 PM

LOL, Materialgrl..
One of the 8ths that I received kept getting pushed to the bottom of the pile. I was rummaging through my stash and I found 6 different pieces to match. Whew..I need to look more often also.

materialgrl 08-29-2011 03:52 PM

That one with the sun and the Inca guy, kinda out there for me,he kept getting to the bottom of my pile,but I did find something.I wish I could have over nighted them to you guys,I am anxious to see if you are pleased with them.

AngieS 08-29-2011 03:58 PM

Materialgrl and Janet (MOM) you both do a great job! I'd be happy as a pig in mud to swap with either of you any day of the week! ;) Hugs to you both.

I have to add that I love all of the blocks that I have received so far. Each one is different and that's what will make Lucas' quilt so special. Wish I had sent the siggie blocks too. ;)

karenpatrick 08-29-2011 04:24 PM

Blocks going home tomorrow to janecat, kreinhart742 and lauraellen.

LovingIzabella 08-30-2011 04:25 AM

Okay apparently while I was away dealing with medical issues and Irene some folks decided to get a little out of line so I am stepping in now.

First and foremost thank you to those who have stepped in and tried to reiterate the rules and guidelines of the swap-your help is much appreciated. This has always been a fun and friendly atmosphere and I will do everything I can to keep it that way. I work very closely with those who are late to try and either get F8s back or blocks home.

Second the deadline is September 4th so there is still time to mail blocks.

Third and this is a HUGE one IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY, SAY NOTHING AT ALL!!!! If you are unhappy with a block or something you received you bring it to me in a PM and we will work on getting it fixed together. Open Criticism on this board (or any board) is not allowed and that is in basic member guidelines as well. If you cannot abide by this, perhaps you do not need to be in this swap.
I try to be fair and let everyone play regardless of their skill level. We all started somewhere and to criticize anyone only discourages them from trying it does not help them. There is a proper way to do things and constructive criticism PRIVATELY is the best.
As far as members who do not complete-that is out of my control as well. I do everything I can to make sure this swap is fulfilled. I have taken out of my own pocket to get people's F8s back to them, I have helped people make blocks and I have gone on smiling because this is supposed to be a swap of friendship and growing, not who makes the best block or who gets done first. No matter how many emails I may send or calls I may make, if someone does not want to complete I cannot force them to. All I can do is disallow future participation.
This swap has been pretty successful I would say based on the fact that this is the 5th one with 3 groups and I already have a huge list of interest for Boom 6. If you are unhappy with the blocks you are receiving-don't join the next one. I will not tell someone they cannot join because the most complex block they can do is a friendship star.
I did not realize all quilters were perfect. If that is what some of you desire perhaps starting a "This is a perfect block swap" is the answer.
We are all here to learn and grow, to help each other and encourage growth. I would honestly say that out of all the Booms I have done more than 90% of the blocks I received were usable. Those that aren't I still love because they came from my friends who tried their best. I will use those blocks in another project.
We have no idea what is going on in other people's lives so unless you have lived through some of the things our members have, it's best we don't judge.
Now anything further please PM me.
Let's get back to what this swap was designed for fun and friendship!
PS This swap takes a lot of coordinating and organization and I do my very best to make sure it runs smooth. A lot of time and effort goes in to it so please let's make the best of it that we can.

Janetlmt 08-30-2011 04:58 AM

I am editing this post. This morning I was putting my dear granddaughters toys away. I found two envelopes addressed to me. They were opened. After further investigation..I found two blocks being used as doll blankets.
I received blocks from


Originally Posted by Janetlmt
This is an update on what I have received and sent.

Received the following finished blocks:
total 25 received

Blocks going out Tuesday 8/30
total 14

Blocks not received
heyjami - edited
Navarre2011 - edited
total 10

If I have any errors please PM me and I will correct it.

Navarre2011 08-30-2011 05:02 AM

Thanks for the info. Hope the dollies were compfy!!!

materialgrl 08-30-2011 05:51 AM

That is so precious,even at a young age she sees the value in a good quilt.and hey it was the right size

PokerDiva 08-30-2011 06:38 AM

Janet, that is so funny.

paintmejudy 08-30-2011 07:23 AM

Janet, too funny! :-P

karenpatrick 08-30-2011 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by karenpatrick
Blocks going home tomorrow to janecat, kreinhart742 and lauraellen.

AngieS went out today too.

karenpatrick 08-30-2011 08:33 AM

Blocks received:
craft phanatic
Cyndi H
Ms Grace
OK Darla

Blocks sent:
Poker Diva

If this does not agree with your records, please let me know.

AngieS 08-30-2011 09:09 AM

That is so sweet Mom (Janet)! Chloe wanted to play with the quilts like her dear grandmother. ;)

Diane Baldwin 08-30-2011 10:08 AM

Hi April
I am new to this. Sept 6 is just a few days away. Is this the cut off for members, or the day to send the Fat eighth?
I like the idea of making different blocks for each of the participants.
I am so afraid that I will be black-balled if I cannot complete the swap correctly. Is there a small group, maybe of just 4 members, where I could start on this before I jusp right into a 12 or 15-member swap?
Diane in Conn

AngieS 08-30-2011 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Diane Baldwin
Hi April
I am new to this. Sept 6 is just a few days away. Is this the cut off for members, or the day to send the Fat eighth?
I like the idea of making different blocks for each of the participants.
I am so afraid that I will be black-balled if I cannot complete the swap correctly. Is there a small group, maybe of just 4 members, where I could start on this before I jusp right into a 12 or 15-member swap?
Diane in Conn

Diane something you might want to do is just ask a few people to do that with you. Small #'s might be easier on some of us that have a lot going on. ;) I would be more than happy to do this with you if you are looking for someone. Just let me know. :thumbup: If not that's ok too. Have you signed up for the monthly block swap yet? You might want to look into that too. You just make a block for one person each month and they make one for you.

LovingIzabella 08-30-2011 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by Diane Baldwin
Hi April
I am new to this. Sept 6 is just a few days away. Is this the cut off for members, or the day to send the Fat eighth?
I like the idea of making different blocks for each of the participants.
I am so afraid that I will be black-balled if I cannot complete the swap correctly. Is there a small group, maybe of just 4 members, where I could start on this before I jusp right into a 12 or 15-member swap?
Diane in Conn

Hi Diane,
I am actually going to do a smaller group this time of probably 12. The current swap is in groups of 36 people. Several have asked for a smaller group so they do not feel overwhelmed so I am going to try and run both and see how that goes.
This swap is currently coming to a close but the Boomerang swaps run with a 4 month Turn Around time so you have plenty of time to make the blocks and send your F8s.
We would love to see you join in with us!

montanablu 08-30-2011 01:15 PM

As is the norm, April rises to the occasion!! :thumbup:

Both with your efforts to please everyone - the smaller swap along with the larger one - as well as your response to the naysayers & whiners. You are spot on with what you said & I'm only very sorry that while you were away we didn't all play nice.

BTW - Hope you are doing much better! I haven't been around much lately - how has the start of school gone for Izzy??

LYG!! :) :)

Janetlmt 08-30-2011 04:32 PM

DonnaD, your block is finished and I am sending it home on Wednesday. Hope you like it.

paintmejudy 08-31-2011 06:20 AM

oops, meant to do a PM. Ignore me!

LauraEllen 08-31-2011 06:22 AM

Completed blocks were mailed out yesterday to...


I have a few more to go, hopefully to be mailed tomorrow.

MFQS 08-31-2011 09:43 AM

Hey, I'm having a great time! It's my first swap and I've just sent out my last 3 grown-ups: LauraEllen, Nurse Bonnie and Angie S. The address stickers I made for all of you are gone so I must be done!

I thoroughly enjoyed this even though a broken wrist kept me from sewing for 6 weeks. If I get all 36 blocks - great! If I get fewer than that - great! I wish all of you the best and thank you for your time and effort on behalf of the quilt that will grace our king-sized bed this winter.

Can't wait for the next boomerang!

AngieS 08-31-2011 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by materialgrl
That one with the sun and the Inca guy, kinda out there for me,he kept getting to the bottom of my pile,but I did find something.I wish I could have over nighted them to you guys,I am anxious to see if you are pleased with them.

Thank you. I got my block today! LOVE IT! I will have to use this pattern some time!! :) My camera card is messed up. If you have taken a picture could you post it? I will try to get a new one on Friday. Have to take several pictures to catch up and show off.


AngieS 08-31-2011 11:33 AM

KPatrick-Got your block today too. I love the fabric! Looks like real wood. Funny, yours and Materialgrl's look very similar. ;) Loved them both.

Didn't get to send out all the blocks just yet. Going to have to get them all packaged and haven't been able to. Hopefully in the next couple days. I know my time is dwindling down. Going to get them all sent.

materialgrl 08-31-2011 11:46 AM

I am sorry I didn't take pictures,but I am glad you liked it

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