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barbarakibler23 02-18-2020 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8361409)
Great plan, Connie. I clean my sewing room after every project....but I, also, straighten up each evening when I'm done for the day. I know I know...totally anal...but it works for me.

Today, I cut up the quilt trimmings of 2 quilts from LA'r. I chose a different binding instead of using the trims from backing. I, also,made another fabric basket. I just have one more to do...pink... Although, I may make one for patriotics. I have large scraps and FQ's from QOV's... Thought I'd share a group picture..

Love the fabric basic as well as your glass shelves! Looks really nice!

rryder 02-19-2020 03:09 AM

Nice group shot, Teen. I love the idea of using the fabric baskets for your scraps and using the barrister bookcases for fabric storage.

i have finished organizing the easiest of my fabric drawers. Today I’m going to start working on the ones that have larger cuts of fabric. I’m hoping to free up some space so I will have room to store my ruler quilting rulers in a drawer next to my Sweet16. Right now they live in two containers that sit on the left extension leaf of my Sweet16 which is handy but they get in the way and have to be moved whenever I’m quilting a larger project.


retiredteacher09 02-19-2020 04:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, I went into my sewing area this morning with the intent to add borders to a quilt top. I turned on the iron and got sidetracked with an organization project. I’m not sure how many times I pushed the ‘heat up’ button on my iron but, finally, about 4 hours later, I ironed the fabric, cut my first border and got it sewed on. Lol!

However, I did make good progress on my organization project. I had drawers for squares and strips but in different spots in the area. So I drew up a plan of where the cuts would go and made labels for the drawers. I still have some sorting and labeling to do but now I can go to one drawer system and know I have, for example, my 3” squares sorted along with 3.5” strips of less than WOF all in the same drawer system.

Claire123 02-19-2020 06:05 PM

I was able to drop off another pile of fabric and miscellaneous patterns and sewing supplies and the guild meeting for the bazaar we are having. Glad to pare down a little.
I am still working through some scraps and finishing some smaller projects. Organizing the scraps into sizes has helped. I thought I'd start with my focus being on the black and white scraps and hope to at least get everything eventually back into the black and white container.

newbee3 02-20-2020 08:59 AM

I cut out of scrap strips for a small quilt so thinned out scraps kinda

cannyquilter 02-20-2020 02:34 PM

Back into my sewing room today and I managed to sort my scraps into strips and the others into colours. They are now in individual baskets. The plan is to take a basket at a time and starch, iron and cut each colour way. I've five baskets so if I only do one a week it will be all done in five weeks.

Teen I love your fabric baskets, I wish I had your discipline to tidy up immediately. I'm hoping once everything is properly organised I'll be more motivated to tidy up after each sewing session to keep my sewing room tidy.

rryder 02-21-2020 02:02 PM

It's amazing how much less mess I have laying around on my work surfaces now that I've reorganized my fabric drawers and added the 2nd Suzi unit. I've actually found places to put most of the things that just seemed to float around before. It was wonderful to walk into my quilting space today and be able to just start quilting without having to move stuff off my Sweet 16. And, my PQ1500s is also clear of stuff that would have to be moved before I can use it-- which is good, since I still need to make a hanging sleeve for the project that I finished quilting and binding two weeks ago.

Today I decided to declutter the nightstand beside my bed. Somehow it had accumulated an 8" tall pile of mixed up papers and books and 3 pairs of reading glasses and a book light :eek:. All that's gone now.

petthefabric 02-21-2020 02:20 PM

The current project is pillow cases from oriental fabrics. So one shelf of oriental fabrics was reorganized to "save for another project", main fabric (at least 24") coordinating cuff (9") and accent band (1"). Finished all the combinations from that shelf, so sorted another shelf.There are 4 shelves of oriental fabrics. So far I've sewn-7, cut & with the traveling machine-6, & cut and at the sewing machine-8; total 21. It takes 1 yd for each so that's 21+ yards (there is some scraps) off the shelves.

Time to sew-no more cutting until these are done.

Teen 02-21-2020 02:33 PM

Thanks so much, everyone. Making these baskets used up a bunch of batting scraps, too. That box is no longer exploding all over the place. But, it won't be long before more is added.

Well done, All of You! Petthefabric.....your oriental collection sounds like my polka dot stash. I worked with polka dots last year for about 7 mos hoping to deplete it a bit but still is a bunch. I Started to use some of these precious pieces for backing but that hurt too much...lol... It's time to kit up another project for them... I need to make a couple of baby quilts for inventory...

No organizing today. I repotted a couple of root bound plants, tho' and burned another pile of tree limbs.

retiredteacher09 02-23-2020 07:06 PM

I finally got my squares and strips reorganized. Most of my rolling cart drawers aren’t very tall and many of them filled up fast. I will need to start sewing scrappy quilts and pull from those stuffed drawers. I think that will be a good summer project.

rryder 02-25-2020 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8363699)
I finally got my squares and strips reorganized. Most of my rolling cart drawers aren’t very tall and many of them filled up fast. I will need to start sewing scrappy quilts and pull from those stuffed drawers. I think that will be a good summer project.

Sounds like a plan, Connie!

Today I’ve been working on quilting a UFO and I also started the Helen Godden 2017 quilt along. I got the first block painted and ready for quilting and the second one is traced and ready to be painted. It is so much fun to be able to actually start to work in my studios without having to first rearrange everything. There are still some hot spots in both studio spaces that need work, but nothing like the hot mess I was trying to work in last year.

I’m thinking about setting up a “tickler file” for my home office as a way to get the stuff off my work surfaces. I tend to leave things out because I’m afraid I’ll forget about them. A “tickler file” is supposed to be a way to be able to put things out of sight without losing track of them. It works for things that have due dates down the road and also for routine tasks/paperwork that needs to be kept on top of.


JustRetired 02-25-2020 06:21 PM

Rob, I used a tickler file at work for many years! I trained a lot of people on setting one up and using it. It is a great way to track things and keep them timely. PM me if I can answer any questions or help with the set up.

amyjo 03-05-2020 05:39 AM

Boy, all u ladies n gents must be really busy sewing away n have not had time to be on the board lately. I should talk, been busy trying to fill my new containers from Joann’s n get my fabric cut into usable lengths. I’m also trying to make kits as I do this. My younger sister will be here again for the weekend n help me reorganize n cut. She is so good at organizing n I make her take print n solid fabric home with her for her stash collection.

retiredteacher09 03-07-2020 12:42 PM

amyjo: Nice to have a sister help you cut and organize. My sister quilts also but we don’t see each other much during the winter.

It’s Spring Break time and I want to spend a lot of time in my sewing area. I sewed a little this morning but decided to organize a few of my ongoing projects. Of course, one thing led to another and now I have a mess to clean up. 🙂.

Teen 03-07-2020 03:49 PM

Amyjo...I wish my sisters lived nearby....my siblings text as a group text all week long and share stuff each other is making. Sisters are all creative so it's fun to see what each creates.

Retiredteach....I finished a quilt and started another but spent time in between to put stuff away, cut up scraps etc. I'm trying to avoid multiple WIP's...lol....I can see this happen to me..

I shredded old paperwork not long needed. Actually, I wheeled the shredder beside my hubbie's recliner and stacked the stuff on his lap. Lol... I think that counts as organizing...:shock:

retiredteacher09 03-07-2020 04:38 PM

Teen: That is organizing and thanks for the reminder to shred the stuff I don’t need. I think I caught up last year so I just need to do one year.

I have been extremely busy with subbing so on the weekends I only want to sew or just relax. Lol!

A niece said they want to come and visit and, of course, see my grandson. My son and her are cousins. So I thought I better get a head start on cleaning because she will just disappear and I know to look for her in my sewing area. She grew up with my MIL sewing and loves creating when she has the time. We have made a few quilts together.

petthefabric 04-09-2020 11:05 AM

This past week, I've been going through sewing stuff we moved here 11 yrs ago and it's still in the boxes. Specifically looking for elastic and bias tape.

Teen 04-09-2020 04:55 PM

Good for you, pet! Today' I cut up face mask debris into usable sized pieces. The pile of scrap was bugging me so production halted for a bit...

retiredteacher09 04-09-2020 05:43 PM

I have been cutting down scraps too and die cutting triangle shaped scraps into useable triangles like finished 2”, 1.5”, etc. Someday, I hope to use them in projects.

Claire123 04-09-2020 10:31 PM

Not too much lately. I need to get back into it. I was on a real roll back in January and February.

tranum 04-10-2020 05:16 AM

I’m over my head in organizing but it’s photos & family records, not fabric. You should see my sun room - but I think I turned the corner with it last night so I can hopefully wind that project up. Photos, obituaries & clippings from back as far as great grandparents have landed with me.

retiredteacher09 04-10-2020 04:18 PM

tranum: What an undertaking but good for you for getting them organized. I have been planning on doing my photos for years. I start and stop and then forget how I was organizing. Lol! First thing I need to do is make a list of how I’m organizing and write down certain things that I want to go into the boxes of my sons. That will be next Monday’s plan.

craftiladi 04-13-2020 06:22 AM

My two main hobbies are quilting & scrapbooking. About 10 years when I started scrapbooking I was all gun-ho & I think I burnt myself out but I still have so many photos I really would to organize and get into scrapbooks...I really need to find my mojo for scrapbooking again. Like you, I start organizing then life gets in the way and I lose interest. Good for you that you are tackling the project.

rryder 04-21-2020 06:25 AM

Hmm, I seem to have lost some momentum lately. However, as of today I am going to go back to spending 15 minutes each day decluttering some small area. It doesn't matter whether I: a. find homes for things and put them away, b. toss them, c. put them in the donations box, or d. seal them up in a box that I will date and then toss if it's not opened in 1 year's time.

Anyone else who has lost momentum, post here and make a suggestion as to what could be done to get back to organizing.

Some suggestions that have worked for me in the past are:
1. pick just one small thing to organize- a corner, a drawer, etc.
2. spend just 15 minutes decluttering one area.
3. find 5 books to donate


retiredteacher09 04-21-2020 05:24 PM

I made it through one tub of photos/memorabilia for son #1 last week.(41) Now I am working on another tub but this one has things for son #2. (37) I am trying to do 30 minutes at a time and usually go longer than that amount. I can't believe how much I saved for them. Unfortunately, I am not throwing much away but I am sorting by years into a file system I had for them when they were younger. I do not know how many more boxes I have for each of them but it's a start. I enjoy looking through the memories.

I have been sorting through some fabric too but I enjoy sewing more than sorting. LOL!

Rob: Your point 'd' reminded me that I have a box of plastic container parts(think Tupperware, Ziploc,etc) that I think have April as their throw date if I didn't find lids, etc, for them. I believe I got that idea from you last year.

Teen 04-21-2020 05:56 PM

Not much organizing going on at my house....I am playing in my yard and planting my barren planter boxes...so, in a way, I'm organizing where new plant life goes, I guess. Having fun but my body hurts...lol..

oksewglad 04-21-2020 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8379632)
Not much organizing going on at my house....I am playing in my yard and planting my barren planter boxes...so, in a way, I'm organizing where new plant life goes, I guess. Having fun but my body hurts...lol..

A hot bath and ibuprofen does wonders...ask me how I know! Drawing hot water now!

jmoore 04-22-2020 02:54 AM

Thanks Rob, just the reminder I need to get my momentum going for organizing...15 minutes is probably all I can handle at one time. Currently our 3 and 5 yr old grandsons plus DDIL are living with us so it is a bit of a challenge to work on big projects. Our son is in the Coast Guard and the family is being transferred from Key West to Main this summer but due to the Coronavirus, DIL and boys came early to look for a home. It has been a nice distraction to have them at our house...they are so much fun.

oksewglad 04-22-2020 05:20 AM

Enjoy those 2 little ones and yes they present a challenge, but that's okay...it's once in a lifetime.

petthefabric 04-23-2020 10:22 PM

For getting back to organizing. I tell myself, "don't feel like it, what else can I do, ooo heck-I think I'll read a book (or take a nap)" are not acceptable excuses. I talk to myself saying, "how long would this take, are you willing to put in 1/2 hour?" Usually by the time I finish, I feel so good by what I accomplished that I often take on another 30 min project.

I've been looking around. I'm getting buried in finished comfort quilts and pillow cases. Want to be able to take them to the leader, but shelter-in-place keeps all this at my house. Also, I need more batting from her to contine finishing.

rryder 04-24-2020 06:09 AM

I’m happy to report that one 15 minute session devoted to a corner of my painting studio resulted in completely decluttering a worktable that has been piled up and not useable as a work surface for over a year! yay. Yesterday I spent my 15 minutes tossing unneeded stuff off my computer. There’s still more to go, but it’s already easier to navigate. Today I am going to spend 15 minutes on one corner of my sewing studio that has gotten out of control.


oksewglad 04-24-2020 10:45 AM

I've been working in my garden. Been organizing seed packets. Looking forward to summer flowers and garden produce. Fresh tomato sounds good today!

quiltingcandy 04-24-2020 12:07 PM

Well, I am getting there. I have been working on my sewing room and the items in the garage that my friend has given me. My DH has been quiet on the issue of the stuff taking up space in the garage since the thrift stores are closed but I needed to go thru it and make decisions. My AZ friend has been stuck in town with her mother due to the current restrictions (her mother is 93) and needs help and my friend's DH is in AZ but he had a liver transplant last year and has to stay put too. So she has been busy making masks with all the extra fabric and elastic from my stash since she can't get to hers. Luckily her mom has a machine for her to use. She has been wonderful taking some of the garage stuff too. So double items can be good in times like this. I also was able to get to a lower shelve in my sewing room and found a bunch of old books my daughter used when she started teaching. I got her to go thru them and they are now in a box ready to go to the Thrift store. So another shelf just opened up. It's slow going but it is going. And as another inspiration - my daughters have bought me a new sewing chair for my birthday and Mother's Day. They are coming over on Mother's Day to put it together and bring me lunch.

And I have started purging in the kitchen too - I am replacing my Pyrex and Corning dishes with some with better lids and more versatile than my 47 year old dishes.

retiredteacher09 04-24-2020 04:44 PM

Congratulations to everyone that are getting things done. Even baby steps feel good.

I finished going through the tub with my youngest son’s things. Most of it is filed by year now. I have finished 2 tubs and it feels great but there are more tubs/boxes to go through. Thankfully, some have photos and memorabilia already organized in albums.

As far as sewing goes, I am getting a few scraps trimmed and put in their appropriate spots. Slow going though. I am making Bonnie Hunter’s Unity quilt so lots of scraps are being used.

themachinelady 04-27-2020 08:41 PM

I am trying to finish up getting my sewing room cleaned and organized. My patching stack is neat and the blanket I am binding is neatly folded until I can get back to it and serger area is all cleaned up so I can finish off some receiving blankets I found I had not done. I do a rolled him on the flannel and it works out great. Cutting area is cleaned up except for a few
small things I need to put away. I can also walk thru the area now which is a great feeling.

Had planned on measuring my material and marking it so I knew how much I had of all of it, but found it was taking far too long so gave that idea up and just stacked by color etc, I have 5 five shelf cabinets full of material. Some day I will take one shelf at a time and maybe measure and ruler fold. Want to get some blocks and maybe a too or two done for our small
quilt guild for our fire quilts, A lot of the material I have is small pieces so one needs to get creative at times to use it wisely.

Should this message not make sense in part of it, I think I lost the biggest part and had to rewrite most of it, It appears what
I wrote first is gone, but you can't always tell, so you will know what happened if parts are jumbled.

I know I have way too many projects started and needing to be finished, so better get off here, get to bed so I can work on some it tomorrow or next day.
Happy Quilting,

Battle Axe 04-28-2020 02:21 AM

Everyone calls me and asks what I have been doing during this dreadful lock down. So I have to make up a few things to make it sound spiky. I say: " I've locked myself in the lavender bedroom of the upper sanctum of the ivory towel and played with my quilts." That usually ends the conversation. Actually what I'm doing is trying to find a lost book": Hunters Star. So I have to go through every tub.

rryder 04-28-2020 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Battle Axe (Post 8381319)
Everyone calls me and asks what I have been doing during this dreadful lock down. So I have to make up a few things to make it sound spiky. I say: " I've locked myself in the lavender bedroom of the upper sanctum of the ivory towel and played with my quilts." That usually ends the conversation. Actually what I'm doing is trying to find a lost book": Hunters Star. So I have to go through every tub.

LOL. Hope you find your Hunter's Star book. I find that some things I go to look for are actually things that we haven't owned for years...

Today I want to go through a couple of piles that are on my desk and try to find homes for everything in them, or toss. Wish me luck.


Teen 04-30-2020 06:28 PM

Busy little bee's you all are..."shelter in place" has helped a lot of us as we are faced with looking at clutter for longer periods of time. Lol...

I've pretty organized since moving so my goal as been to stay decluttered. However, the batting scraps got the best of me and couldn't look at it a moment more. I organized, measured, folded, labeled, rolled and, yes, I threw out. Realistically, I will likely never use that many thin strips of batting. However, I pulled them out of trash and put in plastic bag labeled "doggie beds for the senior center." I made masks for them and noticed that they would probably appreciate some. Some of their babies were laying on the tile floor. Oh no...not on my watch...lol..

jmoore 05-01-2020 02:47 AM

I am enjoying the 15 minute organizing spurts...even if it is a pantry shelf or junk drawer. (Luckily we don’t have too many of them)

I do plan on tidying up my sewing studio this weekend now that I am almost finished with my Frolic quilt...adding the last two borders today. I ended up with little extra pieces of things (as did others) and I need to pitch or add them to my crumb bin.

craftiladi 05-07-2020 03:34 AM

Originally Posted by quiltingcandy (Post 8380371)
Well, I am getting there. I have been working on my sewing room and the items in the garage that my friend has given me. My DH has been quiet on the issue of the stuff taking up space in the garage since the thrift stores are closed but I needed to go thru it and make decisions. My AZ friend has been stuck in town with her mother due to the current restrictions (her mother is 93) and needs help and my friend's DH is in AZ but he had a liver transplant last year and has to stay put too. So she has been busy making masks with all the extra fabric and elastic from my stash since she can't get to hers. Luckily her mom has a machine for her to use. She has been wonderful taking some of the garage stuff too. So double items can be good in times like this. I also was able to get to a lower shelve in my sewing room and found a bunch of old books my daughter used when she started teaching. I got her to go thru them and they are now in a box ready to go to the Thrift store. So another shelf just opened up. It's slow going but it is going. And as another inspiration - my daughters have bought me a new sewing chair for my birthday and Mother's Day. They are coming over on Mother's Day to put it together and bring me lunch.

And I have started purging in the kitchen too - I am replacing my Pyrex and Corning dishes with some with better lids and more versatile than my 47 year old dishes.

Sounds like great progress...congrats. Its never easy when you have other people's stuff.
I see you are from Chula Vista...I lived in El Cajon for years :)

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