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-   -   "Turning Over a New Leaf #2" OBW with octagons (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/%22turning-over-new-leaf-2%22-obw-octagons-t96623.html)

nana pat 02-06-2011 11:13 PM

beautiful, I have done one OBW hex's, now you got me to thinkin' I should try the octo. good job. :thumbup:

k3n 02-07-2011 01:36 AM

Originally Posted by lollygagging
I agree that both styles have merit. The octagon seems as though it would be easier to assemble. I like the ability of adding the cubes to the hexagons, but then it appears you have to deal with the dreaded "Y" seams. Years ago I bought the mirror to use to audition fabric for stack n whack quilts, but have yet to do one. I'm intimidated by them. I am awed by your quilts!

No there's never any Y seams with this technique - it's all straight row piecing... And thank you so much for your comments. :-D

k3n 02-07-2011 01:39 AM

Originally Posted by Dee Dee
I LOVE it!. Don't really understand. How did you make it?

I can't really explain it here becuase as I'm sure you can imagine it's fairly involved and also I don't want to 'take' from the lady whose technique this is. :-D So what I would recommend is that you get one of her books, Maxine Rosenthal, One Block Wonders is the first one and the only one with the octagons in. It's a really fun technique and if you follow the books, not hard to do at all. :-D :-D :-D

k3n 02-07-2011 01:39 AM

Originally Posted by nickylsf
They are both beautiful but look so different. I think the octagon one looks more complex which makes sense since it has more pieces and also the 4 patches to join them. I love the 4 patches in the border of the hexagon one too.

Can't wait to start mine. I ordered a 6" 60 degree ruler and the OBW Encore book today!

Hoorah! :D :D :D

k3n 02-07-2011 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by dunster
Your octagon OBW is just beautiful. That said, I prefer the hexagon. When I look at some of the octagon quilts I see vertical and horizontal lines where the octagons come together. The hexagons don't have that problem, and they're also a lot easier to make.

I think I agree with you dunster. Although having said that, I do want to try one with different sized octagons (like Karen K's dragon one posted on here a while ago). I think then the larger blocks stop the eye from 'seeing' the lines quite so much. But I do think if I could only do one, it would be the hexes. :-D

And thank you everyone for your comments. You make me :oops: and :-D :-D :-D

marciacp 02-07-2011 07:04 AM

The first two (octagon) fabric looks different from the last one
(hexagons). However, did I read that both quilts are the
same fabric? I saw the fabric you posted that you said
was from Hobby Lobby, but the two quilts don't look like
it is the same fabric. The octagon one looks more olive,
and the hexagon one with the fabric in the border looks
more of a minty green. Just curious if it is indeed the same
fabric in both quilts.

k3n 02-07-2011 08:11 AM

It is EXACTLY the same fabric Marcia! The octogan technique kind of pulled out the goldy colours more. In real life, they are less different - one pic is in daylght and one at night. Perhaps I should take a pic of the octagon one in daylight.

lollygagging 02-07-2011 08:42 AM

Well, since there's no Y seams, I just might add that to my to do list. Any suggestions for tutorials or books.

k3n 02-07-2011 09:20 AM

Originally Posted by lollygagging
Well, since there's no Y seams, I just might add that to my to do list. Any suggestions for tutorials or books.

You really need the book - for the octagons and hexagons, One Block Wonders by Maxine Rosenthal. :-D

lollygagging 02-07-2011 10:11 AM


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