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Toto's Mom 07-15-2011 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Veronica
I think what is hurting you the most is the fact that they didn't acknowledge all the hard work you put into it. Your quilt is beautiful and you did a wonderful job quilting it. I'm sending you a {{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}.

Yes, and another ((((((BIG HUG))))) from me, too!!!

happymrs 07-15-2011 08:42 AM

Sometimes, I have noticed at showers & such, there are so many gifts & all opened in such a hurry, that nice ones like this, often get overlooked. I hope she writes you a lovely thank you notes, & lets you know what she really thinks of your gift! You just never what is going to be a hit at a shower, but the major appreciation will come later, trust me, that & all the compliments she hears from others when she starts using this quilt for her baby! Great job, love the quilt!

pamesue 07-15-2011 08:55 AM

welll...I love it...you did a great job...poo poo on them!

valsma 07-15-2011 08:56 AM

I think what you did to make their theme part of the quilt was wonderful. I like what you did. I think it was rude of those people to behave as they did but they probably don't even realize that they reacted like that. Sometimes people get tunnel vision when they are in wedding or baby show mode and forget their manners.

I'm waiting to see what my sons girlfriend is going to do when I give her one of the baby quilts I made is jungle theme. It has monkeys and that is the one thing she says she didn't want. I found that out after I had made it.

scrapykate 07-15-2011 08:56 AM

Wow, love the quilt!! you just never know what people are going to appreciate, hopefully they will acknowledge your efforts in the future.

barbo117 07-15-2011 09:07 AM

You know sometimes people are caught up in a moment like a party or shower and just don't think. I am sure they would be very upset if they knew that their unthoughtful reaction caused you to be sad. It is a lovely quilt and any new mom and dad would be proud and honored to have such a wonderful gift made with so much thought and love for their little baby boy. About a year ago I made a baby quilt for a new grandchild of a woman that I worked with. I spent a lot of time and money on the quilt but I never got a thank you or even an acknowledgement. So one day at work I said to the woman, "how did your son and daughter in law like the quilt?" Her face turned red and she knew in an instant that I had not been thanked. The next day a thank you card was on my desk signed by the son and daughter in law, however, I had worked with this woman long enough to recgonize her handwriting. My feelings were hurt for a long time after that also, so I can relate. You are a kind and loving person and you should be proud of yourself and that lovely quilt.

Cheshirepat 07-15-2011 09:19 AM

Awww, it's such a sweet quilt!! I love how you picked up the monkey theme, and made it work. Agree w/the others, I think they'll see how wonderful it is when it gets to being used/loved. I'd feel the same as you, btw if my quilt had been 'dismissed' like that! ;-)

Quilt on... love given is never lost.

stitchntimesewing 07-15-2011 09:24 AM

Everybody here on our wonderful board has been so kind. You have made me feel so much better. Thank you all so much. :D :D

Hen3rietta 07-15-2011 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by stitchntimesewing
I was invited to my daughters sister in-laws daughters baby shower and went. This is a family that we spend every thanksgiving with and see several times a year at other events. Needless to say I made a baby quilt for the coming baby boy. Their theme of monkeys and jungle was made known to me after I had already started the 9 patch blue blocks. Not a problem. I improvised and used monkeys on the boarders and baby jungle on the back. Here is what made me feel sad. Her husband was there and held it up and she said here is another blanket and sat back down in the box. A couple of gifts shown later and it was a fleece tied blanket with jungle theme. They oohed and aahed and her mother came over and took several pictures. This went on for several minutes. Now I didn't want adoration for the quilt but to have had more of an even aceptance would have been nice. It made me feel like they didn't like it. Well I feel better that I vented. Here is a couple of pics of the quilt. Oh by the way I also made a matching traveling changing pad and bought a jungle babies mobile that totally matched the animals.

Your quilt is gorgeous and if you had made it for me, I'd love it to pieces.

rwquilts 07-15-2011 09:32 AM

It's adorable! Just vent to us and smile to them!

Zhillslady 07-15-2011 09:39 AM

No you're not sensative. That was just shameful.

wolfkitty 07-15-2011 10:19 AM

You did such a wonderful job, maybe they didn't realize you made it! It is very cute! Perfect for a little boy! Try not to feel too bad.

ArizonaQuilts1 07-15-2011 10:32 AM

You did a great job on the quilt and were careful to match her decor. Very thoughtful. I've had this happen to me in the past too. The first time I was really hurt, but now when I get that kind of reaction, I correct people and tell them it's a "handmade, custom quilt". And then I try to educate them on what goes into the making of a quilt. A lot of people just don't know. Once you get into selection of fabrics, pre-washing, cutting with special tools, piecing, batting, and quilting, binding people start to understand the difference between a blanket and a quilt. The last person I educated came back to me a day later and told me she had no idea what went into making a quilt. She told me that she looked at the quilt closer that night and could not believe the work involved--and she had tears in her eyes! :) Mary

Doreen 07-15-2011 10:40 AM

It is beautiful.

annthreecats 07-15-2011 10:46 AM

That baby quilt is absolutely adorable.

MadQuilter 07-15-2011 10:58 AM

Cute quilt! The fact that he called it a blanket should give you a little insight into their frame of understanding. I bet the little guy is going to love it.

mltquilt 07-15-2011 11:14 AM

Your quilt was very cute. Maybe after they have a chance to really look at the presents they will understand that it is something special.


AnnaK 07-15-2011 11:18 AM

The baby will love it regardless. It is a lovely quilt and the matching tote and mobile are a thoughtful idea. Pat yourself on the back for me!

MegsAnn 07-15-2011 11:33 AM

Maybe they didn't realize it was handmade? Surely it's not just another blanket. Grrrr...

Well, I LOVE IT. And others on this board clearly do as well. I'm sure the baby will too.

pennyswings1 07-15-2011 11:36 AM

I can understand why you felt slighted. Try not to be too upset though. I am sure it will be appreciated. I personally think it is a lovely quilt and very thoughtful of you to incorporate the monkeys after-the-fact. It just shows what a nice person you are. Chin up girl.

wolph33 07-15-2011 12:14 PM

what you made is beautiful.some people just do not appreciate the work and quality of a real quilt.we know that is a great gift-don't lose any sleep over their lack of appreciation.

dltaylor 07-15-2011 12:18 PM

I think you did a beautiful job. You should be proud!!

debbiecharlie 07-15-2011 12:26 PM

The quilt is precious!!!! Sorry they didn't appreciate it! I know how you feel.....I've had that happen to me too....what they don't understand is that you put so much heart into making something so special and their lack of interest or appreciation hurts you.....Rest assured your blanket is beautiful! and you make it with a giving heart!!!!Hugs to you!

quilthappygail 07-15-2011 12:32 PM

I bet that your quilt will be the babies favorite by far. Boys are drawn to blue. You did a wonderful job that you can be proud of. In a few weeks or even days you may get a call telling you how nice the quilt is. If not we all love your quilt and the work you put into it.

debekaiser 07-15-2011 12:35 PM

I love it and because of the time and love we put into making things, we want everyone else to love it as much. As another quilter, I love it and great job.

loves_2_quilt 07-15-2011 12:43 PM

A very nice gift and sorry that they didn't accept it with the heart and love that it was made and given.

Robin57 07-15-2011 01:12 PM

I love your quilt and like the others said...you did a beautiful job! They just dont understand the love and time it takes grrrrr

grannyp70 07-15-2011 01:26 PM

I love your baby quilt, its really pretty, and I can't image anyone not being thankful to you for all the work that you did on it. Thats just some folks though. But just know that you did a beautiful job on it. I would have loved to have gotten it myself. Sending you HUGS

Kitsapquilter 07-15-2011 01:36 PM

Well, even if the recipients of such a cute quilt didn't act like they appreciated the work you put into it I will bet the guests that were there liked it! Too bad some people don't show a little more excitement or appreciation of such nice gifts! You just have to get your satisfaction knowing you did a great job and the baby will love that quilt for a long time!

Tink's Mom 07-15-2011 01:50 PM

Your quilt is beautiful...
wouldn't it be nice if your quilt became the baby's beloved blankie...that he won't sleep without...they could cover him with the other one but he just pushes it off...cuz it isn't his special blankie. :-D

SueSew 07-15-2011 01:53 PM

That is adorable! But you can never tell - I recently gave a pink and lavender batik very-girly quilt to a soon-to-be baby girl and parents casually mentioned they 'got the blanket' and their toddler son has taken it for his own.
It will find a home there, I am sure.

GrannieAnnie 07-15-2011 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by stitchntimesewing
I was invited to my daughters sister in-laws daughters baby shower and went. This is a family that we spend every thanksgiving with and see several times a year at other events. Needless to say I made a baby quilt for the coming baby boy. Their theme of monkeys and jungle was made known to me after I had already started the 9 patch blue blocks. Not a problem. I improvised and used monkeys on the boarders and baby jungle on the back. Here is what made me feel sad. Her husband was there and held it up and she said here is another blanket and sat back down in the box. A couple of gifts shown later and it was a fleece tied blanket with jungle theme. They oohed and aahed and her mother came over and took several pictures. This went on for several minutes. Now I didn't want adoration for the quilt but to have had more of an even aceptance would have been nice. It made me feel like they didn't like it. Well I feel better that I vented. Here is a couple of pics of the quilt. Oh by the way I also made a matching traveling changing pad and bought a jungle babies mobile that totally matched the animals.

I'd have been hurt, too. Those are the same monkeys my DD is using for her baby theme. Shower on the 6th and kiddo due 8-27. Does it help that we think your gift is great? It is!

GrannieAnnie 07-15-2011 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Kathios
Your quilt is lovely and you should be very proud. I receive hundreds of quilts, afghans and fleece blankets for my Linus chapter. When I bring them to the local facilities, the fleece blankets always get the most attention. I think it is the "feel" of the fleece, or the bulky nature....I often mention that the quilts are worth well over a hundred dollars each, and the fleece are often kits, but unless you are a crafter, it is hard to get them to understand the priceless nature of the quilts.

I adore wrapping up in my fleece blankets----------but pretty they aren't!

Mariposa 07-15-2011 01:59 PM

Your quilt is really cute! You do nice work. Please don't let rude folks get you down! They surely don't appreciate all the hard work, love and effort that went into it. Do know that the baby will have many hours of cuddling with it! :)

VaNella 07-15-2011 02:02 PM

What a perfectly adorable quilt! Don't worry about them. The baby will love it. I don't blame you for feeling a little snubbed, but you will get your recognition here from people who know what they are talking about!

Leota 07-15-2011 02:05 PM

did you put a label on it where it could't be missed? A lot a quilts are "handquilted" in a manufacture...
Don't be shy...make it known that you made the quilt...
Yes, you should be hurt because you made an adorable ensemble and they were rude. EVEN if you hadn't made it... it was slap in the face... "oh another blanket"... toss...

reach for the stars 2 07-15-2011 02:19 PM

The quilt is so cute, some people just are rude......

Gramma B 07-15-2011 02:24 PM

HOW RUDE! I love your quilt!

pollyjvan9 07-15-2011 02:31 PM

It is an absolutely beautiful baby quilt. I don't understand the need for a nursery with only one "theme". In 6 months everyone is bored with it. I have also found out that so many people just don't know how much, time, energy and money goes into a handmade quilt. Hopefully they will be educated by someone soon.

yetta 07-15-2011 02:32 PM

your quilt is adorable, I know you put a lot of work and caring into your beautiful quilt,some day you will hear "Thank you it is the babys favorite quilt,he doesn"t go anywhere without it...."

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