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thart795 04-24-2015 09:27 PM

GIMQ-Murphys Law Frustrations
1 Attachment(s)
Have you ever had that one quilt that just refused to cooperate? That quilt for me, ladies and gents, has been the Bonnie Hunter Grand Illusion mystery quilt. Don't get me wrong, I have loved the process and BH's posts and directions were superb. It just, DIDNT go for me.

Pictured below is where I threw in the towel for tonight (yes I know I'm behind the times lol!)

Here are some things that happened along the way.
1.) One of the first fabrics I bought bled in the washer and ruined the design and its appeal.
2.) While pressing the first blocks I found that one of my "100% Cotton" fabrics was NOT 100% and almost melted to my iron! (Needless to say I redid those blocks!)
3.) The diamonds were not my friend! Couldnt make those the right side to save my life, after what seemed like 8 billion tries, I called it good enough lol .
4.) Bought an extra 1/4 yd of each, ran out of one fabric anyways.

And finally #5.) Tonight's attempted quilt assembly. Despite triple checking that I had the right amount of each clue, I ran short of a green/white/dark block. This is seen in the picture on the right side of the top row.

SO...this one is going back in the UFO pile until an assorted craft day with the MIL, or until I can work up the ambition to make that one, measly, piece that I am missing.

Sorry for the long post, that's the frustration coming out! (Please note I am out of wine!)

QM 04-24-2015 11:16 PM

How very frustrating after all your fine work. you have my sympathy.

BrendaK 04-25-2015 01:25 AM

You also have my sympathy. The blocks look super. Could you just make a smaller quilt? You have done some beautiful work. It would be a shame to let it go. Sorry the wine ran out. Maybe tomorrow it will be better. Best of luck. BrendaK

mirish2 04-25-2015 03:46 AM

Your pieces look terrific. Could you make a smaller quilt and use the extra pieces on the back or on a matching pillow case. I think a little breathing room will help your process.

sinceresissy 04-25-2015 03:59 AM

It's a really attractive quilt and It seems a shame not to finish it but that being said I have two half finished quilts that I have put away because of mistakes and because I could see I was in over my head. I hope someday to revisit them and try to finish them but I don't know. You are so close to having all the pieces for this quilt but I understand the frustration. Ever onward.

tessagin 04-25-2015 04:02 AM

I think it looks great. I love BH quilts but her scrappys are a little confusing for me. And when it comes to the mystery, I get super confused on the pattern. I would be totally frustrated if what I thought was one fabric content and find out it wasn't. Always good to take a break then get back to it after you replenish your wine stash!!

KenmoreGal2 04-25-2015 04:10 AM

I thought the same thing Brenda said. It is a lot of work and I think it looks great! Can't you make it a smaller quilt than original and be done with it? Someone would love it, it is beautiful.

GingerK 04-25-2015 05:06 AM

Please finish your quilt. It is beautiful and only needs one more piece. Buy another bottle of wine and have another go.

liking quilting 04-25-2015 06:06 AM

Get more wine and don't give up; what you've finished looks GREAT!

Diane007 04-25-2015 06:18 AM

leave it for a while buy more wine and try again... :)

Tartan 04-25-2015 06:21 AM

Your blocks look super but they do look hard to keep straight!

Tapraol 04-25-2015 06:23 AM

That is a very pretty quilt, definitely worth finishing!

francie yuhas 04-25-2015 07:05 AM

Put that thing in the time- out spot for a while,go buy some wine...or visit a fabric store....and come back to it. Or...you could mail it to me and I would finish it up for you...

patchwork 04-25-2015 07:18 AM

I did this quilt as well. I made 4 quilts out of it. It was just too busy for my liking. Good luck

lynnie 04-25-2015 08:09 AM

looks like a hard quilt to make, but you did a fine job on it.
it was a busy pattern for me too Patchwork.

ManiacQuilter2 04-25-2015 09:29 AM

Don't feel bad. We all have a UFO stashed in our closet that we will never get to. Mine is a GFG.

bearisgray 04-25-2015 09:52 AM

I would have been upset about the fabric that I purchased as cotton - and it wasn't.

As far as the bleeding - that is why I now soak everything in hot water for awhile - then wash and dry it.

Jeanne S 04-25-2015 11:01 AM

It is very pretty. This pattern of Bonnie's wasn't my favorite however. I like the suggestion of finishing it as a smaller quilt, perhaps then gift it to charity???

kayluvs2quilt 04-25-2015 08:12 PM

That is too beautiful not to finish! Like everyone else says - time-out, more wine, and ever onward.

todiesmom 04-26-2015 02:38 AM

Don't give up...your quilt is beautiful...I plan on making the Grand Illusion and have actually started...I gave up on Celtic Soltice but realize I should not have and will get back to it eventually....I also find the diamonds difficult and Bonnie seems to love them...LOL

Yooper32 04-26-2015 04:26 AM

It has been a thorn in my side too and I finally had to put it aside as Guild things came up and needed doing , also best friends 50th. Wedding anniversary, so, I still have step 4 and 5 to do. I am just not really pleased with the whole thing, but have too much invested in it to just toss it all, so it will get done sometime...God willing.

shasta5718 04-26-2015 05:30 AM

I know your pain, I have been working on mine for months, have to put it down and go to something else. I had trouble understanding some of the directions and had to do several sets of blocks over. They still don't fit as good as they should, but I am tweaking areas and am going to finish it if it takes a year.

lorimax5859 04-26-2015 05:39 AM

Must have been the lack of a good wine!

Annz 04-26-2015 05:41 AM

It looks great. Put together what you have and call it a day.

solstice3 04-26-2015 05:55 AM

Sorry for the troubles it will be great when finished

madamekelly 04-26-2015 08:42 AM

I do like your colors better that BH's (sorry BH).

Billy'swife 04-26-2015 08:43 AM

Don't give up.....it is beautiful. Buy more wine!

MargeD 04-26-2015 10:51 AM

I've had quilts that have given me hissy fits more than once. Right now I'm heading to the finish line on a family reunion quilt - I thought I had all the blocks squared away, but. When I thought I was finished, I laid the quilt out and found one block had a mistake, so I un-sewed the block, then laid it out to figure out what border fabric to use and my DH finds another block with a mistake. Shucks. Well, guess I'll have to un-sew that block and hope I don't find any more. I'd get more wine, put the quilt away for a day or two and start again. The quilt should be beautiful when it's done and thankfully my oldest niece will quilt it on her long arm for the July 4th reunion in KS. So, I put it away for right now and will fix it later today. Hang in there, it will all work out in the end, it happens to all of us. You have a beautiful quilt in the making.

Pennyhal 04-26-2015 11:10 AM

It seems that when I first started quilting I read somewhere that years ago quilters always made a mistake in their quilts to show that only God was perfect. I always think of that when I've made a big mistake, but put the quilt together anyhow. I don't need perfect, but I do need done. Yours is a lovely quilt and I think you should finish it
boo-boos and all.

GrammaNan 04-26-2015 12:44 PM

It's so pretty! Don't give up. Take a break and let your mind process everything. Don't wait too long and go back to it. Things will be better.

margied 04-26-2015 02:18 PM

I have been there - buy the wine and look at it again tomorrow and finish it! it will be better tomorrow :)

Taughtby Grandma 04-26-2015 03:01 PM

I think what I would do is change the borders if I had some fabric that would frame it nicely and finish it that way.

peaceandjoy 04-26-2015 03:24 PM

Bonnie's quilts can be labor intensive, but the finish is so worth it! You're so close now, don't give up! You're missing just one unit, which isn't even a difficult one. You can do it! More than once I've had a piece fall off/behind/under something else; maybe you'll find it.

The fabric issues you had are sure irritating, but at least you found out before they were in a finished top. Good luck, hope you will tackle this when you are feeling more fresh. I'll pull mine back out one of these days. I went against my better instincts and used the suggested colors, much brighter than my normal palette.

twinkie 04-26-2015 03:44 PM

Good luck to you

maryellen2u 04-26-2015 06:48 PM

Oh dang! I feel your pain. Just put it aside--not away. It is too great to leave it undone.
After a cooling down period I really hope you can finish it. It is worth it!

oldtnquiltinglady 04-27-2015 03:58 PM

That is beautiful--and you are sooooooo close to being done. Quit agonizing, get a glass of wine if you need it, and get to it. You'll feel so great when you do look at the finished quilt--like having a baby--the misery is forgotten when he/she gets here......

Love your beautiful piecing.

carolynjo 04-28-2015 07:40 PM

I love what you have done. Hope you can work up the nerve to finish it.

Shrink42020 04-29-2015 06:53 AM

You may want to try this - get a flannel back vinyl tablecloth the size of the quilt (pretty cheap at discount stores) - Lay out the quilt on the flannel side, fold gently in on itself - that way you do not have to lay it out again and it will be ready when you muster the energy to make that final green/white block!
Then step back, take a deep breath and salute your progress with a glass of wine!!

mjhaess 05-07-2015 07:21 AM

Perfect colors...so sad. Use your blocks for something else...

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