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Yooper32 10-08-2011 03:51 AM

Some admirable scraps there, I'd say. Aren't people wonderful?!

JabezRose 10-08-2011 04:00 AM

Like that show, she is "Paying it Forward" Bless her heart and enjoy your blessing.

smagruder 10-08-2011 04:01 AM

Lucky you!!! I had a friend mail me scraps...really, scraps? I have made placemats out of all that yellow, organge, and red... my son in law loves orange. I still have hot pads to make and maybae a table runner. Still lots of "scraps" left. Trying to figure out what to make next. Thank you again, my friend, for all those "scraps."
Please let us know how you use some of them.

DirtyPaw 10-08-2011 04:14 AM

It is always so refreshing to hear of good deeds and news.

homecaregiver 10-08-2011 04:28 AM

Thanks to your fabric fairy for being so kind and generous.
WOW, what wonderful quilts you can make from these scraps. The colors are so beautiful. I know what real back pain is and I send hugs to you that you will be feeling better soon.
Take care and thanks again fabric fairy for making this board members day.


Nancy S. 10-08-2011 04:33 AM

How wonderful. Can we see a quilt soon?

nabobw 10-08-2011 04:42 AM

nice lady

Cuddly Quilter 10-08-2011 04:57 AM

It is wonderful to be spoilt and to have someone who knows how you are feeling and how to cheer you up. FANTASTIC. Enjoy creating and hoping your back gets better soon.

dolores 10-08-2011 05:08 AM

That is wonderful, God bless her as she has blessed you. Sorry about your back, I understand your pain. I have suffered with chronic back pain for years. Had back surgery, and still pain, had a pain pump implanted 6 years ago and that is why I can now quilt. I hope you find some relief. God bless you

Tweety2911 10-08-2011 05:12 AM

Wow, those scraps are gorgeous! Love all the batiks. You are truly blessed with a wonderful friend!

AprilG 10-08-2011 05:48 AM

Bless you both. Hope your back pain gets better.

justsojanie 10-08-2011 05:48 AM

How sweet !! Blessings on both giver and receiver :)

Homespun 10-08-2011 06:00 AM

Oh, my, get well soon. That fabric is calling you!!!

alikat110 10-08-2011 06:01 AM


jbj137 10-08-2011 06:02 AM

Fabric Fairies are the best.

Hope back pain is better (been there done that).


Shayvian 10-08-2011 06:06 AM

Wow! That should take your mind off things for awhile! It will get your creative juices flowing! Thank goodness for good fairies! Have a great time with it!

GramaLaura 10-08-2011 06:43 AM

OMGoodness......you have lots to work with!! You have been blessed by the fabric fairy :-D

PolkaBabe 10-08-2011 06:46 AM

QMW! Wow! Beautiful scraps I was having fun just looking at the pictures, I know I would have fun in the real stuff. Enjoy.

amyjo 10-08-2011 06:47 AM

that is truly a wonderful friend to have blessed you when you are in so much pain. I hope you get to feeling better. You have had a rough time this past year. God Bless you.

kathyjg 10-08-2011 06:50 AM

Looks like you will have fun and plenty of things to do to keep your mind off things. Since I am new to the board I am not sure what you are going through with your back thing, but if you need to vent, whether through e-mail of phone please feel free to call. I was hurt in 92, last yr had my 20th surgery and was forced to retire from a job I loved because of the disability it left me with.

littlenell7777 10-08-2011 06:54 AM

WOW, you are one lucky girl. I know you are thrilled.

gramarraine 10-08-2011 06:58 AM

What a wonderful surprise! So nice of her to send these scraps.

red-warrior 10-08-2011 07:12 AM

She sent you the makings of some Beautiful quilts!!! Those great colors will
brighten your days for sure, I know God will bless her. Will pray that you feel
better soon!

G-maBecky 10-08-2011 07:54 AM

Originally Posted by rootyr
You've been blessed!

Greatly blessed!!!

Marvel 10-08-2011 08:53 AM

Its always like this when things are not going weel the Lord sends an angel to help you. Hope this pain will resolve itself and you can get back to doing something you love. Prayers are coming also.

Quiltinelaine 10-08-2011 09:00 AM

The happiest people in the world: Quilters::: To be blessed by your friend is awesome - and your friend will be blessed also, to give to you:I am so happy for you - surprises R GREAT:

Iluv2quilt 10-08-2011 09:02 AM

WOW, what a great friend!

MaggieMeg 10-08-2011 09:18 AM

How wonderful for you! Gotta love that fabric fairy!

Rosalie Monroe 10-08-2011 09:48 AM

would you consider sharing some of the baltic fabric, lighter colors? I have a quilt started and need a few lighter colors and hard to find. naturally i would be willing to pay. laatroseofs

desertrose 10-08-2011 10:24 AM

What a wonderful aray of fabrics and colors, you have a colorful fabric angel! :D :D :D

MargeD 10-08-2011 11:06 AM

WOW, what a generous friend you have. I really hope you feel better soon. In addition to osteoarthritis, I have advanced spinal stenosis (another form of arthritis) in my back and there are days - well you know. I had shots in my back two weeks ago and go again on Tuesday. They are helping, the pain isn't gone completely, but at least I'm not in tears with the pain. My God bless you and help you heal quickly - then you can quilt with all that wonderful fabric. She is a genuine quilting angel.

ScrapQuilter 10-08-2011 11:06 AM

yes there are some wonderful people on this site.... kind of restores you faith in the human race.

hope you are feeling better........ God bless you both.

doll-lady 10-08-2011 11:08 AM

that was so sweet of her to do that. she must be a special person.

anniesews 10-08-2011 11:43 AM

Seems like quilters are so generous. What a nice surprise for you. Hope you feel better soon and can dive into the fabric.

jillaine 10-08-2011 11:45 AM

good grief-- that's more than my entire stash. and look at all those yummy batiks. hope they distract you from your back pain, and best of luck feeling better!

RuthEm 10-08-2011 01:48 PM

What a great thing she did for you.....I agree, people on here are just wonderful!! Hope you'll be feeling much much better soon!!

wildyard 10-08-2011 02:16 PM

Those are to glorious to be called "scraps"! Your angel is wonderful indeed and this will surely help you heal faster. It sure would me, for wanting to get at them!
Hugs, smiles, and happy playing with your new treasures.

HummerGardenCrafts 10-08-2011 02:20 PM

That is really great! And I know very well the niceness of this group! They are unbelievable.

frog54 10-08-2011 02:51 PM

Wow what a great gift :mrgreen:

johnnietate1225 10-08-2011 03:07 PM

How wonderful for someone to brighten your day. What a sweet, kind lady she must be.

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