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blurose11 02-06-2008 08:06 AM

Hi, I have been a wall flower or a while - reading the main letter in my email but not posting anything so thought that since I was feeling pretty good today that I would take the time and introduce myself.

I am a self taught quilter. I learned to sew almost before I could walk but quilting wasn't introduced to my life till I was older - way older. I saw my husband's Grandmothers quilts and wanted one for myself but when I checked out the price to buy a handmade quilt I quickly decided that I had to do this myself.

I had to wait till I retired though to start as I was in the USAF and traveled all over the world - worked shift work which is not conducive to taking a class or really getting involved in anything that takes a lot of time.

So I waited till I was back in the states for good and started teaching myself to quilt. That was about 7 years ago now and I am a quiltoholic, a fabriholic, a threadaholic...I am hooked...line and sinker.

I love to make different quilts - I don't like making the same one twice so am always doing something new. I am an absolute fan of Beth Ferrier and have learned so much from making her quilts and doing her BOM each year.

Last year I made raw edge applique quilts but in my house the quilts are used constantly so therefore get washed a lot so all my raw edges were meticulously satin stitched down...hours of meditation at the sewing machine.

My lastest endeavor is to teach myself to machine quilt my own quilts - I have tons of tops to practice on and hopefully will become proficient at it. I made my grand daughter her first alphabet quilt and did all the quilting myself on my machine and think it is coming along great. I designed and made the quilt top myself with embroidered blocks - put her name in blocks across the top. I think I did okay but am going to try and do better as I go.

This year, 2008, I am going to dedicate to making Baltimore Album quilts. The first one I made was the Eleanor Burns Basket quilt and now am working on her Applique in a Day. I hope to be able to do one this year that is needle turn but there is a problem there.

When I was in my last 2 years in the AF, I started having pains in my hands...burning buzzing is the only way I could describe it...well after many many tests I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatique syndrome...what more coud happen - right - well more did but we will leave that for now...I try each day to Smile and keep an upbeat attitude but it does curtail some of my dreams...like doing any hand sewing...

So I am very greatful for my wonderful sewing machine but I still do some handwork when able.

Now if you made it this far in this introduction, you need to quit...lol...but last - I am married with one son. I have tons of animals in my house to keep me going...my cats are great critics to my fabric choices and if they don't like it they take off with it...lol I am originally from NY but live in rural Oklahoma now.

I love quilting and hope to stay healthy this year and post some more. I just love quilting...

God bless,

bj 02-06-2008 08:34 AM

Welcome on board. We are glad to have you sharing with us.

Dawn Hendrix 02-06-2008 09:12 AM

Glad you were feeling well enough to join us today. This is a GREAT place to be and you will make many friends here! Have a GREAT DAY and get QUILTING!

Barb M 02-06-2008 04:00 PM

So good to meet you! I'm brand new here too, and started quilting about 7 years ago too, and am self-taught too...glad you're feeling well today!

Rebecca Chambley 02-06-2008 04:46 PM

Glad your here and having a good day. Loved reading your Bio, and you picked a good place to join. There are some very helpful people on this board, as well as very wise ones. And most are eager to help and encourage. If you have a question, post it. Some one will have an answer for you. Visit often.........

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