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janiecurry 02-10-2007 12:39 AM

Hello everyone,
Thought I introduced myself on here once before, but will try again I have quilted all my life it seems but have only recently become passionate about it. I am a recent Empty Nester. My last just moved out. Have four children and 5 grandchildren and the little ones call me Nee Nee. I have lots of questions and hope to get some of them answered besides making friends here which I will enjoy.

I do have MS so I no longer work, but it doesn't stop me from sewing and quilting...Thank God. I would love to hear from all of you...soon...


Becky 02-10-2007 01:01 AM

Hello Janie
Welcome. You have come to the right spot, for good advice, lots of info,friendly and helpful people, who are eager to help and share their wisdom. Have fun and enjoy. What type of quilting do you like to do?

janiecurry 02-10-2007 01:07 AM

Hi Becky,
I think my favorite thing is applique, which I am determined to learn. But I love it all. I have made a queen size cathedral window and did a grandmother's flower garden completely by hand. But I was always a die hard and did everything by hand and am just now CONSIDERING, learning to do free motion quilting.

What about you? How long have you been quilting? What is your favorite?

Becky 02-10-2007 11:43 AM

I've been quilting going on my 16th year. And learn something new all the time. I love applique, and thats mainly what I do now. I like to create my own designs and themes. I to did all hand quilting untill about the last year. Now I free motion, stipple, and echo quilting with my machine. I've made a couple of crazy quilts as well. I also now do a technique similar to cotton theory quilting. I'm presentely working on 2 quilts and I'm anxious to get them done, as I have other ideas presentely churning in my mind to do.

lizbeth44 02-10-2007 02:39 PM

Hello Janie, I have my first quilt top in our cedar chest. I don't remember how old i was, i think our daughter was in her twentys, so that would put me in my 40's. Hopefully i'll get it quilted sometime next year. What do you think will be your next project? I joined a "Lotto Block" group and made 6 blocks and sent 'em in for that. I didn't win, but it was fun. I also like to applique and crochet. But my favorite is quilting.

janiecurry 02-10-2007 11:50 PM

Dear Becky and Lizbeth.
It was nice to hear from you. I have a tremendous applique teacher now that has taken about 10 workshops from Ellie Seinkowitz. So I am being mentored by someone that knows what she is doing. I also have been collecting for over four years to have velvets, satins, beads and charms, etc. to start a crazy quilt and truthfully don't know where to start. It is to be a wedding quilt when my 19 year old son eventually gets married. I have also taught tole painting, quilting, embroidery and there is so much I want to learn, now that the house is quieter. Tell me about the Lotto idea. I have participated in Round Robins but nothing else. The group I am part of is always open to new ideas...Becky, do you share your designs? I will check in here once a day at least and maybe get some answers....did either of you see the second email I sent regarding something called Hemmed Hexagons? I am trying to find out how to make them? Well this is all for now. Thanks for writing....Janie

janiecurry 02-10-2007 11:53 PM

Becky, I am interesting in the cotton theory quilting techniques. Is there anything online? And as far as the machine quilting, I can't really afford to take a class at this time and I know if I could, I would be more comfortable with it. But after you spend days and days on a quilt, I don't want to mess it up with machine quilting that looks terrible...

Becky 02-11-2007 03:34 AM

I have never shared my designs, mainly because I don't feel anyone is interested and, untill I get my new computer set-up with the digital camera, I can't show anything that I've done. But I should have my set-up by the middle of March. Believe me I'm an amateur, and nothing of real ooo, or ah ah ah . As for Cotton Theory Quilting, There is a book and there is a thread on this forum that gives somemore detail. I'd seen a demo about a yr or more ago, and I got confused on her crossroads and intersections, so I devised my own roadmap, so to speak and I'm content so thats the direction I went. As far as machine quilting, I have taken out ALOT of stitches, and I'm still far from ooo and ah ah. But it seems if I stay determined and keep praticing, I know I'll get there. But I combine machine with the hand quilting, I really like hand quilting, it just takes forever to finish a quilt that way, and I've got family and friends that like what I do and my family ask for the quilt, but my friends are more sutle and point out their B'days and Christmas. I've never taken a class. But I read alot, and I'm going to sign up for some classes at Quilt University, again waiting on my new computer set-up, and I'm in the process of moving as well. But theres several classes on that site, that I'm going to take.

lizbeth44 02-11-2007 02:15 PM

Hello Janie, Like Becky, i've never taken lessons on quitting or crafts, just get ideas from what i read and find on the internet sites. The "email friendship" quilt is an idea i got last week. I wanted something for our daughter to have of my internet friends. I use the internet for all my research needs. I have a bunch of beads and related items you can have. I have to go through my crafts items and release some of them. Got to have more room. I'll be happy to send them to you if you want. The "Friendship Star" pattern is the one i've choosen for the "email FdSp." quilt. http://quilting.about.com is where you'll find the "Lotto Block". Will be working on that one in the morring and try to get it in the mail before the end of the week. By the way, my mother was 43 when MS took her home (heaven). I was 20. I'm happy when i hear of others that have gotten to stay here longer. Elizabeth (liz)

lizbeth44 02-11-2007 04:40 PM

Janie, As i look through my books, i'll be on the outlook for the Hemmed Hexagons. I did a short search on the web. Will try again. It's getting late and i've been doing alll day. see ya later, liz

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