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QltrSue 01-06-2014 05:38 AM

Nanna, I LOVE your hand quilting. So beautiful. The perfect finishing to your lovely quilt!

carriem 01-06-2014 05:49 AM

nanna-up-north--those are some really pretty quilts. I especially like the cathedral window quilt.

lots2do 01-06-2014 03:58 PM

Lovely pictures!

narnianquilter 01-06-2014 07:55 PM

So, I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that I did the UFO challenge last year and completely missed this part of the deal. So I posted all this there earlier, and am now moving it to the proper place!

Ok. Here's my list for 2014. Because if I don't lay them all out now one will slip through the cracks!

1. Cousins quilt- due 1-10. Must be sandwiched and quilted.

2. Wedding gift for friends. Due 2-14. Already sandwiched, but needs quilting.

3. My husbands quilt. Due 3-14. Needs quilting.

4. Striped quilts. due 4-30. Sandwiched and quilted. Includes 2 baby quilts.

5. Baby quilt. Due 5-11. Pieced to quilted.

6. My quilt. Due 6-30 sandwiched and quilted

7. Halloween quilt. Due 7-30 sandwiched and quilted.

Also add 2 baby quilts I haven't even started and a wedding quilt due sometime in April. Ambitious! Or just plain stupid...
http://www.quiltingboard.com/images/misc/paperclip.png Attached Images http://www.quiltingboard.com/attachm...7820-image.jpg http://www.quiltingboard.com/attachm...7930-image.jpg

danece 01-06-2014 09:15 PM

OK, I'm in, just closed my Salon and am working part time for another Salon about 15 minutes further from home, but, I am only working 3/4 days a week, as clients need me, instead of 5/6, so I thought I would pull out a top I started about 6 years ago, and could not figure out why I had stopped, so after looking at the blocks that were finished and comparing them to another pile of finished blocks, I realized that I stopped working on it because I had sewn a strip on about 30 blocks on the wrong side, so, on New Years Eve, I started, when I looked up it was 2:30 am and I had all the blocks taken apart that need that dang strip removed, so I figures I could sew them back on on New Years Day, and guess what, NO THREAD, so, then I got the FLU and have been down ever since, but I will finish this top before the end of the month, then I will find another UFO and work on it for next month and I will send that first top off to be quilted. Thank you, I need to be motivated to get these things done, please keep up the good work

nanna-up-north 01-07-2014 04:09 AM

It sounds like you have the first half of the year already planned out, Narnian........and it looks like you've already got a lot done on most of them...... That's the spirit.... just jump in.

Danece, your story sounds like so many of us. It doesn't take much to create an UFO, does it? But, you're back on the path of completion... Yeah! Can't wait to see your creations. Keep up the good work. Glad you are feeling better.

nanna-up-north 01-07-2014 04:18 AM

Thanks so much for your kind comments, everyone. The 2 quilts I'm working on right now really need to be finished ... they have been haunting me for so long. That's the way it works. I love quilting and love to get a great idea for a new quilt. But once it's started, I get bogged down...especially if I make a stupid mistake somewhere..... the middle of the quilt doldrums. When I get 2/3 to 3/4 done the excitement starts building again and it's almost like I'm in a panic to finish. But if the quilt becomes an UFO...... it haunts me till I finish it. So, I got a few finished last year.... thanks to all your encouragement..... and I don't have very many this year.... I think I can , I think I can, I think I can. With everyone's kind comments.... I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

The UFO train is boarded and moving forward..... Yeah!

QltrSue 01-07-2014 04:26 AM

Just want to say I love reading this thread and joining in the momentum to get things underway...to the "finish" line. I know it is not a race, but thinking of you all yesterday while working in my sewing room helped me sandwich the runner and placemats I owe my DD from this Christmas. Don't like that step, but essential for quilting, which I do like. Also, was able to mark off on the calendar another day in the sewing room. Did you see that thread in the Main section? A member keeps track on a calendar the days she gets to sew. It's fun to see progress. Here's to a good sewing day!

carriem 01-07-2014 05:11 AM

I got the binding on a quilt for a friend yesterday...just got it back from the quilter a couple weeks ago, so I don't really consider it a UFO, but something checked off my list so I can get back to my stuff. :) I also got a quilt cut out and hope to get it sewn together today. It is a quick quilt (Box Trot http://creativesewlutions.danemcoweb...oduct/boxtrot/). I am altering the middle of the rectangles...they will have a pp'd block in the middle and border to get them to the right size. I should have a picture to share later today.

Emma S 01-07-2014 05:22 AM

Narnian: What a marvelous designer you are. Now that you have shown us the evidence we will be monitoring you. I really am looking forward to seeing how you quilt those big open spaces. The first one is going to be fun.
Danece: Sometimes the unsew is the most discouraging and forty is a lot. I hope your New Year is healthy and productive.

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