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Conchalea 12-19-2019 04:14 AM

Cattitude, welcome to the group! I'll start a new thread in a week or 10 days for 2020. I will post here to notify everyone so we can all bid farewell to the 2019 thread & get set for the next year's temptations.

Conchalea 12-19-2019 04:28 AM

Last weekend I traveled about 200 miles north to visit friends & to look at houses in the area. I currently live in a city of almost 120,000 & the traffic is awful. The area where I'm looking has 18,000 in the *entire county!* While there, I helped my friend's group sew walker bags for the local nursing home & of course many pieces too small for new bags were generated. They were sent home with me as none of the women sewing that day are quilters. Much of the fabric was pre-cut into squares & strips. The fabric was donated or bought from their local thrift store, so it may well be from quilters who passed away or just got tired of it. I've sorted it & continued cutting squares from all the pink & red to make big 4-patches to go into a quilt. I think I'll take the finished quilt back & let the group donate it once I'm done. The colors arent what I'd choose, plus I'd like to have the finished product return to the area where most of the contents originated. I had to add some of my own red fabric to use up all the squares from what was given to me.

grann of 6 12-19-2019 04:59 AM

Cattitude, your purchasing sounds exactly like mine has been. I've been quilting for around 10 years or so. My dear departed neighbor got me started quilting, we made place mats and table runners. So FQs were a 'smart" purchase at that time. Now how many placemats and table runners can a body use??? So I graduated to smaller quilts. I am now totally addicted to the entire process. Now to use up some of that overflow, and purchase wisely.....

oksewglad 12-19-2019 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8341725)

I worked a total of 12 hours over a weekend at a LQS for the owners because they gave their employees the weekend off if they wanted to attend their daughter’s wedding. It was exhausting. However, when I get paid, I will support the LQS by spending my earnings there. Lol! I’m making a list of things I would like to buy. Some of the money will go towards fabric for my first grandchild (boy) due mid February.

Now you know why I usually don't like to work two days in a row! As you have found out, bolts of fabric are heavy...especially new ones. I told my boss the other day that working there was a way for me to keep in shape with all the stretching that I do! The balance is when a customer comes in and I can help her find just the right fabrics for the current project! And even better when they come back in for the next project.

oksewglad 12-19-2019 07:07 AM

Welcome Cattitude...and your story is often how we start to drown in a stash! My quilt buddy for over 20 years would kind of roll her eyes when I would pick up 2-3 yards of fabric I just loved and then ask "What are you going to make with that?" (BTW she is not perfect...ask about all the kits she has bought and never made!) Fortunately this was before precuts and online purchases.

As you seem determined to not buy any more than you need, you should make those dozen or so quilts with the fabrics you love first and let the others simmer in storage so you won't feel so guilty. As time goes on revisit those storage fabrics and maybe you will find a use for them...if not maybe you could offer them up for sale or gift them to a quilter or quilting group. I will be signing up for 2020, too and it will be fun to see you use it up!

joe'smom 12-19-2019 07:18 AM

Cattitude, thanks for sharing. You perfectly described my fabric history, and in such an amusing way, LOL.

Iceblossom 12-19-2019 11:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Welcome aboard Cattitude! A lot of the pictures I post here are because they are ways to use up stash. It can seem so easy -- oh, I have lots of fabric! But putting those fabrics together is often harder than it seems and mostly always requires getting "just one more piece" of fabric. As far as the Moratorium goes, that is fair use to buy and use immediately.

Speaking of which, love those crazy blocks interlocked with the solid blocks, RetiredTeacher. Good way to keep it from going too crazy and use up different types of yardage.

This coming year I intend on concentrating mostly on my civil war fabric collection. To be honest, it doesn't excite me much, but back when I did a lot of fabric swapping around Y2K, I got a lot (and I mean a lot!) of 10" squares and so for 20 years I've been trying to think of things to do with them. The first top will be Gentleman's Fancy, basically a variation of Rambler (Rambling Rose), or a lot of tiny triangles. It will be entirely scrappy, trying to use up as much of those 10" squares as I can so I'll have to sort and cut by values.

Here's the thing, although I mostly work with scraps, I don't typically do the all over scrappy thing. For me it's chaotic and breaks down the design too much. I'd rather do something with a lot of block each with different fabrics, like the purple quilt earlier this year. But I think it's the best use of those little squares. I also have enough fabric to make probably 3 tops and backs. I have some old VIP/Cranston prints I want to use on the backs, maybe not civil war but close enough! This is a picture I took earlier this year. That's the Civil war prints to left, one of my boxes in the middle, and the metallics to the right.

Have to work more with the metallics this year too. I've decided to reduce the remaining Asian 10" squares to a 6.5" rectangle for the future modern project (need to start a designated project box for it) and put the rest in the scrap box to be sent out when I'm done. I'm well on the way to a medium flat rate box filled with nothing but little bits of metallics and my crumb quilter has said no thanks. I need to come up with 1-2 more ideas to use what's left. After the end of the year though, I think what remains will all be given away.

allthingzsewn 12-19-2019 01:42 PM

Organizing my scraps.
I think I'm replying to the original thread, not sure about anything. Just joined today.
I feel like the Country girl going to the big city.
I'm also organizing my stash. Which is a big problem because I'm really a scrappy quilter. Good thing is the guild ladies pass their scraps to me, Bad thing is I can only organize is size so I still have totes. And alot of figuring block sizes. I must enjoy it, been doing this way for three years.

oksewglad 12-19-2019 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by allthingzsewn (Post 8342600)
I think I'm replying to the original thread, not sure about anything. Just joined today.
I feel like the Country girl going to the big city.
I'm also organizing my stash. Which is a big problem because I'm really a scrappy quilter. Good thing is the guild ladies pass their scraps to me, Bad thing is I can only organize is size so I still have totes. And alot of figuring block sizes. I must enjoy it, been doing this way for three years.

The 2020 thread hasn't started yet, so you are on the right track! Welcome to the QB, so many ideas to see.

I have lots of scraps given to me, too. And I love to make tiny quilts. My sis tells me there's a problem with that...I don't get much of my yardage used.:D

I finished the center of the tumbler quilt today, now to trim the left and right sides before border is added and then to the long arm.

Battle Axe 12-19-2019 03:26 PM

My buying is a mirror of everyone's. I have a large drawer full of jelly rolls, and another of layer cakes, tubs and tubs labeled with the color. I came to a startling conclusion a couple of days ago: There is NO reason to buy anymore fabric. I've taken the mistakes from a Smith Mountain morning and almost have enough for the back. I'll post a pic when I figure out Windows 10 on this new computer.

retiredteacher09 12-19-2019 06:48 PM

Welcome Cattitude and allthingzsewn! You will enjoy this thread.

I am probably an oddity in the quilting world because I have never purchased a jelly roll, layer cake, or charm pack. However, I do have lots of fabric but the majority of it has been donated to me through my church group or people wanting the fabric to be used for charity quilts. I also inherited my DMIL’s stash along with a sizeable amount of purchases from Hancock Fabric when they went out of business. I add some blender fabrics when needed and usually purchase something from shops I visit during the yearly shop hop.

Thank you for the compliments on my quilt top.

oksewglad, I told an employee that working a full weekend was exhausting and I figured since there weren’t any more weddings planned in the family of the owners, I wouldn’t be asked again. The joke is on me! I will be working a Sunday in January all by myself while the employees and owners are having a big get together at the other store. :)

Teen 12-19-2019 07:39 PM

My Holiday sewing is finished so I'm creating some more small projects using the leftovers from my Holt sew along quilt...created another pillow and started cutting into the sizes I collect. I'm determined to use it all up and not have any stuck back in stash. I've been doing this process this past year and it works well for me...but, I start getting sick of the fabric after awhile. Lol..

I have about 8 quilts kitted and ready to go...and a couple of purchased kits so I'm good for the coming year. However, I changed the color of my bedroom so I'll be purchasing fabric for a new quilt and throw pillows for this room.

oksewglad 12-19-2019 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8342748)
I have about 8 quilts kitted and ready to go...and a couple of purchased kits so I'm good for the coming year. However, I changed the color of my bedroom so I'll be purchasing fabric for a new quilt and throw pillows for this room.

Ha ha...you changed colors so you could go buy fabric!

Well, retiredT...just think of all the stuff you can get with the extra cash!

The top is done...total of 5 yards used with 8 1/2" left of one fabric and 1" wof of a second. So long fabric!

jmoore 12-20-2019 03:50 AM

Welcome to this thread Cattitude. I’m like you in that (compared to some quilters) I do not have a large stash but I don’t want it to get any bigger. Being a part of this thread in 2019 did inspire me to shop my stash first before purchasing new fabric...and I look forward to the same support and motivation in 2020 to use up what I have.

Welcome to the QB Allthingzsewn. You will find lots of inspiration and knowledge by the members here.

Connie, great scrappy quilt. Keep up the good work.
Petthefabric, I am in awe of your generosity to make so many comfort quilts and happy that you were able to use so much fabric from your stash.

grann of 6 12-20-2019 07:42 AM

Merry Christmas to all my new quilting friends. This thread has been an eye-opener for me. I have known all along that I have acquired way too much fabric and way too many precuts, but chatting with all of you makes me know I am not alone, and having the encouragement of all of you have helped me change directions and aim for stash reduction again in the coming year. I made about 20 quilts for charity, lost count along the way. 12 went to the cancer center where I had received treatment 5 years ago. They are raffled off to chemo patients one a month. I would love to give them more, but don't want to commit if I can't deliver. I also sent quite a few to a friend who gives them to people needing hugs for one reason or another. That's where I lost count.

I think you all are wonderful for making such good use of your scraps. I haven't even begun to attack the scraps till I use up the precuts and much of the yardage.

Again, Happy Holidays to all of you, my wonderful friends.

rryder 12-21-2019 04:40 AM

That's beautiful, Connie!

Welcome aboard Cattitude.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Calmclam 12-21-2019 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by Cattitude (Post 8342336)
I have made every mistake in the book as far as my buying habits. First I went nuts with FQs.....if I loved the fabric I bought it. Busy, colorful fabrics.....that did not go together. FQ bundle on clearance? Mystery FQ bundle? I could always use the ones I didn’t like in scrap quilts. Then the LQS guilt purchases. I couldn’t leave the store without purchasing something. Often this ended up being a charm pack. Why?! Then I discovered online deals. How many purchases were rationalized due to clearance prices. And then there were the ‘I’m already paying for shipping so I might as well add this item’ or......’I just need two more items to get free shipping’. And finally the panic buys....buying more of fabric I already had because I didn’t have a project in mind when the original purchase was made and I was worried I might not have enough when I made up my mind.

Cattitude, you have told my story except that I also have bunches that I got from my guild's free table as well as more from a friend who was destashing. Why oh why did I pay attention to those who said you had to have a stash in order to quilt??? Why isn't there more emphasis on how quickly a stash can grow from leftovers? I have so much fabric and some of it I actually like! Trouble is, I like to look at it and pet it, not cut it into pieces! I'm an newbie, started researching quilting about 3 years ago and have started a few UFO's - haven't finished a thing!! (Yes, I do love those exclamation points, it's how I talk.) So, I am also inspired to join the fabric moratorium - I must get this hoarding habit under control. I've already arranged for a friend to take all my fabric & sewing toys if I kick the bucket - I have an apartment in my son's house and he would just throw it all away! When I started down this path, I was afraid I wouldn't have enough ideas for making things and now, I I won't have enough time to make everything I want to make. Did I mention that I'm starting this venture while I'm on the downward slope to 80? And, that I still work fulltime as an AmeriCorps volunteer (literacy tutor)? So, my goals are simple: to actually complete some projects and to get rid of at least 25% of the fabric I have now. And, while it may seem counterproductive, if I succeed, my reward will be permission to splurge on some new fabric at the end of the year. I do have a serious addiction problem! I'm counting on this group to help me focus on my goals and remind me that I'm not alone.:thumbup:

petthefabric 12-21-2019 03:43 PM

So far in December 58 yds have been kitted for Comfor Quilts. They're having a big event in early January, so I'll wait until after that to deliver any more kits to them.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
May your seam ripped grow rusty.

oksewglad 12-21-2019 03:45 PM

What sort of patterns do you use, petthefabric?

Conchalea 12-21-2019 04:45 PM

I finally bit the bullet & risked the traffic for a trip to Joann's. I bought backing & binding to complete the 2nd t shirt quilt. I only bought the required amount according to the quilting calculator. There was more than 1 yard left on the bolt so the woman cutting said she couldn't call the remainder a remnant. I was tempted to buy another 1/3 yard so I could have the rest as a remnant, but I was strong! I resisted the temptation. Since I plan to move in the next few months, I don't want any more stuff I have to take with me. So 4 2/3 yard for backing & 1/2 yard for binding. All should be used & not added to stash.

retiredteacher09 12-21-2019 05:13 PM

Welcome, Calmclam! This is a fun thread.

Way to go, petthefabric! Like oksewglad, I would like to know the kind of patterns you use also.

I was trimming a block this morning and not focusing enough on the task and started to cut on the wrong line. Long story short, once I found the fabric to match the pieces, I was able to fix the problem. Of course after I finished the block, I wondered why I didn’t notice the center colors weren’t of enough contrast. :) Simple fix but not sure if it will matter to anyone but me. So I will think on it-change the color or not. Lol!

Iceblossom 12-22-2019 08:47 AM

Ah, the last of the bolt dilemma, Conchalea. I guess it was ok for your moratorium goals that they didn't give you a discount on the remainder.

At Joann, most of the staff don't have much leeway.

At other places though... I've seen some behavior that I just can't figure out.

At a quilt shop once a few years ago when I was collecting solid purple fabrics, I brought up the 4-5 bolts and with one I said, all I want is half a yard each but this is so short I'll take it all if you give me a discount on the rest. (First point to understand is this store has a stated policy for discounts on short bolts) Clerk got huffy and said she couldn't do that, cut my half yard and then when she went to put it back on the bolt and found there was only about 30 inches left, she offered then to sell me the remnant.

Unfortunately for her, although I would have bought it all as one piece I had no desire to have two pieces of the same fabric the same color and since I have a personal rule of never buying less than half a yard, all I really needed from the half yard I bought was 7 inches and someone else would have simply just bought a quarter. So now instead of clearing out a bolt they had to deal with the remnant that not many people would be wanting.

petthefabric 12-22-2019 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8343449)
What sort of patterns do you use, petthefabric?

Because "Comfort Quilts" is an organized group and they produce the patterns, when making kits, I use their patterns. This is the current one. "Cut 1- 6 1/2" and 2- 2 1/4" strips WOF of 5 different fabrics. Sew together 1- 6 1/2" and 2- 2 1/4" strips of different fabrics. Repeat with remainder of strips. Cut in 10- 10" squares. Lay out squares all the same direction. Turn every other square 90 degrees clockwise. Sew together. This takes 5 fabrics 3/8 yard each. Finished 47 x 38 1/2". It can be made larger with more fabrics. It can be made from 3 fabrics or scrappy. It very easy. I usually start with the back of 2 yrs (includes one of the front fabrics and binding).

The leader is making a new pattern; scrappy log cabin. This will use up a lot of scraps made from the current pattern.

The ones I piece/quilt/bind myself are totally different. First I find fabrics I want to put together, then figure out a pattern that will use what I have. For one, I had a lot of striped fabrics, enough for 2 lap size quilts. Made squares of 4 45 degree isosolie triangles and stripes groing around the squares. Had a bunch of greens: made 1/4 square triangles and put solid squares between the pieced squares. They were 3 small lap size quilts.

Some large prints were cut WOF into 3 pieces and other coordinating fabrics were also cut WOF and made into strip quilts. These made lap size. . I'll post pics when I can figure camera-to-computer.

oksewglad 12-22-2019 06:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, petthefabric...they sound simple and quick. I have several pieces of juvenile fabrics I need to use up. This is how I envision it...would choose different fabrics though...


petthefabric 12-22-2019 08:04 PM

That looks great. The one I worked on, the narrow strips were next to each other. Just a little different.

oksewglad 12-23-2019 05:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
So more like this one...[ATTACH=CONFIG]621219[/ATTACH]

petthefabric 12-23-2019 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8343915)
Thanks, petthefabric...they sound simple and quick. I have several pieces of juvenile fabrics I need to use up. This is how I envision it...would choose different fabrics though...


It's hard to describe in words when dealing with visual art!

OK here goes. In the lft upper corner horizontal square (and all the similar color squares) put the dotted narrow strip by the lime green narrow strip. The bottom left (and all the similar pink, pink print and yellow squares), put the pink narrow strip by the yellow narrow strip. The wide strip is a one side of the square, the 2 narrow strips are together on the other side of the square. Do the same with the vertical squares; the 2 narrow strips are next to each other and the wide strip is on one side of the square, not between the narrow strips.

oksewglad 12-23-2019 07:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by petthefabric (Post 8344340)
It's hard to describe in words when dealing with visual art!

OK here goes. In the lft upper corner horizontal square (and all the similar color squares) put the dotted narrow strip by the lime green narrow strip. The bottom left (and all the similar pink, pink print and yellow squares), put the pink narrow strip by the yellow narrow strip. The wide strip is a one side of the square, the 2 narrow strips are together on the other side of the square. Do the same with the vertical squares; the 2 narrow strips are next to each other and the wide strip is on one side of the square, not between the narrow strips.

:D:D And now you know why I don't like to follow pattern instructions! How about this version?[ATTACH=CONFIG]621248[/ATTACH]

And now I see I started with a vertical square and then used a horizontal...geez...

petthefabric 12-23-2019 09:57 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8344346)
:D:D And now you know why I don't like to follow pattern instructions! How about this version?[ATTACH=CONFIG]621248[/ATTACH]

And now I see I started with a vertical square and then used a horizontal...geez...

!!! Which versions do you like?

oksewglad 12-24-2019 07:31 AM

I like the latter..but think the others would look better with different fabric choices, too. At any rate a very cute waste free design. Thanks for sharing. I have the Grands around during break and I don't work, and want to get them doing some sewing again so hope to make ones like this. Merry Christmas!

grann of 6 12-24-2019 07:48 AM

Oh, I love all the versions of that pattern. I like to switch things up too. I have so much floral fabrics left from when I sewed for my DGDs, so these look like fast and easy ways to use some of it up. I think I have plenty of blenders that can be added to rest the eye from all the florals. I did print out the collection of patterns from that charity pattern site.

Iceblossom 12-24-2019 09:03 AM

Isn't it fun to see what can be done with the same concepts or even the same fabrics and how different it comes out?

Of the difficulties of communicating with words when a picture is worth a 1000 words.

Nothing sewing/fabric related to comment on, but yesterday I was able to spend about 3 hours babysitting the Grandbundle Leon, who is now about 3 months old and getting to be less of a bundle all the time! He's able to hold his head up, alert, at this stage their vision expands to the world around him. He was also awake most of the time and interactive, we only had about 15 minutes of true unhappiness so it was a pretty great visit.

Probably just proud grandma but I think he has a good ear and potential for musical talent. And such strong feet and calves! He liked to do the frog bounce on my lap for most of the visit. My son could crawl before he could bring himself to a sit (around 5-6 months), was cruising the furniture at 7 months, and could run by a year... and I had to spend the next 20 years trying to catch up. I think Leon may take after Daddy.

My DDiL had work and my son wanted to do some secret shopping and asked if I could come over. You bet! No sewing regrets.

grann of 6 12-24-2019 09:25 AM

It is great to have little ones around to cuddle and bond with. My youngest grandchild is 15 and has no interest in family, just her friends. And her almost 19 yo sister has a boyfriend so he takes precedence. I did have a wonderful weekend with the 2 middle DGKs, boy 24 and girl 21. We had our annual gingerbread party, just the 3 of us. They even slept over on Saturday night, which has been tradition since all 6 were little. The 2 oldest didn't come home for Christmas, one is in AZ and the other in Utah.

Today I am cutting strips from stash for those 6 1/2" and 2 1/4" strips.

petthefabric 12-24-2019 11:39 AM

Yeh. It's a great pattern for scraps and fast use of odd stash. Glad everyone likes it.

Cheshirepat 12-30-2019 03:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Anyone else getting in some last minute UFO completions? I *finally* got a day of sewing in (and yes, I am the world's slowest quilter ever) and made some progress on the little UFO that has been (up till recently) my avatar pic. I scoured my light fabric stash - practically none to speak of - and got this far. I believe I have enough leftover for some piano key border and a few others that will work as solid borders as well. Only thing I'm not sure I have up my stash is the backing, but how large can it get? It was only meant to be a 45" wall quilt.

retiredteacher09 12-30-2019 04:56 PM

Chesirepat: Very pretty!

jmoore 12-31-2019 04:30 AM

Very pretty Cheshirepat. I have not yet done a log cabin anything...yours looks great and love the pop of colors.

oksewglad 12-31-2019 07:33 AM

I'm sewing the binding onto the Tumbler quilt. The top went together so nicely for me...quilting? that was another story. I used a pantograph and had trouble getting it aligned right. I had a couple of overlap designs. My backing should've have been a couple of inches wider and that casued some fits as well. But it is just waiting for the hand stitching. A good sit down activity on this cold windy day.

oksewglad 12-31-2019 06:55 PM

And we are off and running for the New Year.. Thanks for getting it started Conchalea!

My year end tally is done..The Tumbler is done and with that I used a total of 50 1/4 yards from my "inventory" this year. I hope to purchase less in 2020 and use more from my collection. Feeling good as I have almost 2 yards in a baby quilt and GD has used almost 2 yards in her project although she will have to buy to finish, it's not my inventory--lol.

Conchalea 01-01-2020 06:06 AM

Excellent usage, Ok! Thanks for posting the link to the new thread. I'll see everyone there, Happy New Year!

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