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Iceblossom 04-25-2019 05:32 AM

I did buy a couple of pieces of fabric at the thrift store while at my Mom's, but they are both destined to be sent out in fabric boxes. Found out a couple of weeks ago that my first (and probably only) grandbaby is going to be a boy. Just before that one of the sewing ladies had brought a piece of gorgeous embroidered fabric (sort of like eyelet but no holes) in tiny pink roses along with some off colors (more purple and orange) that I fell in love with. Not so appropriate or easy to use for boy, but one of the fabrics I found was sort of a stylized printed gingham in the pink and the same colors. I know the quilter I send the box to sews for some little grand nieces, and I think the two together work out great. The other piece was yardage of a wild Alexander Henry that goes very well with the bag of scraps I will be using to make the wonky 9-patches (probably next project). Will send that piece off to the crumb quilter with the reduced amount of scrap after I make the quilt. Crumbs are all well and good but sometimes you need pieces big enough for a back or at least a border and a theme or whatever.

I pinned the purple pieces until I ran out of pins. All of the block units have been pinned and about half the border units. Today's goal is to sew/unpin/press enough to at least get the borders finished pinning. I'd like to have all the units sewn and pressed by the end of the weekend, it I have a productive day it might be done today but I like easy goals :p

There will be no Tuesday group for me next week, Mom has a pre-surgery appt next Tuesday morning so I will go out on Monday and take her to the doctor. The actual surgery will be in a couple of weeks. She had a major back operation last year and is still having issues, this isn't as big a procedure but is still scary and lots of recovery time. I'll probably take my portable sewing machine out with me to have it there post-op. I haven't done any garment construction for close to 20 years, but I want to make some Kuspuks, summer parkas, to wear over leggings and I think this seems like a good time to do it.

Speaking of sheets, all bundled up and taped together was another piece of fabric that I thought was vintage. It looked right, (50s maybe, small geometric grey print), felt right, even smelled right but when I unrolled it I became sure it was a sheet remnant and maybe too wide for 36". Got home, did a burn test, burned like cotton. I undid some of the seams, the piece had three seams and a cut edge. None of the hems was a selvedge and they were triple turned. Still could be vintage and still be a cotton sheet...

SillySusan 04-26-2019 09:48 AM

How are y'all doing? I am sticking to the plan... no fabric purchases at all... but it was really hard yesterday. The thrift shop had a piece of beautiful minty green, 1 1/4 yards for $1.25! I almost gave in to the temptation, but I peeled it out of my hand. I had one little tear in my eye, but I didn't cave in. (Sigh, boo-hoo!)

rryder 04-26-2019 10:01 AM

Way to go SillySusan!!! You showed amazing restraint. Here's a virtual hanky to wipe away that tear...


grann of 6 04-26-2019 10:11 AM

Well, I have failed miserably once again. Yesterday my friend dragged me kicking and screaming out to a store we had never been to, to buy border and backing fabric for a quilt she is working on. I did great at the first store, bought nothing, but after we stopped for lunch on our way home we passed our FQS (Favorite Quilt Shop) and of course we just HAD to stop to say hello. This is the place that has the $5 fabric, one bin is just clearance for $5 and the other is finish the bolt for $5. Well, between the two of us we decimated both bins. I ended up with 31 yards, much of it is for backings, but sadly, there is no definite plan for any of it. You can only stay away from chocolate just so long, and bang, you end up eating the whole bag.

I am assembling my Shadow Box quilt made of Wildflowers IX, have it half together. This is quilt #17 for me this year so far. Some of them have been smallish quilts, good for the cancer center gifting. But several have been queen size, as is the Shadow Box quilt. The next quilt will be another stash buster, just haven't decided what pattern to use.

Teen 04-26-2019 10:23 AM

SillySusan.....$1.25? Those thrift store finds I always hear others talk about are amazing. I really need to take a stroll thru one... Good for you that you passed that by...I wouldn't have...you are much stronger than I...

grannnnnnnnnn! Obviously, you found some good bargains....recommit your moratorium for May 1st and start anew...there's always room on the wagon..

No new purchases for me in April except on my personal pattern moratorium. I slipped up and bought one pattern.....but I am using it right away for my nephews wedding quilt. I cut up all the fabric last night and I'm ready to roll. I'll need to buy backing when I get to that point because I don't have enough quantity for a queen in the color options I need... I'm watching for deals now..

By the way....my house sold!! Woohoo! Move day is mid-May. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly.:thumbup:

petthefabric 04-26-2019 10:55 AM

Teen: congratulations!!!!! It's been a long time & you're totally invested: packed all these months.

I'd like to report, no fabric purchases in April & today is my birthday. Bought/traded a sewing machine so not an additional machine. Decided my travel machine just doesn't do enough for quilting. This one has a larger harp, weighs more, 2x+ more. And is larger, fits into the Bernina 770 case. Still it's very portable.

April Guild class was "strings". Almost have the blocks finished. Thought I'd buy fabric for setting triangles then realized it's totally scrappy, so setting triangles can be scrappy too. Another way to use up smaller pieces of stash.
No purchase necessary. And I keep staying out of stores with fabrics.

grann of 6 04-26-2019 11:40 AM

I am so proud of all of you who are stronger than I am. I forgot to mention that I also bought a new iron. When my friend comes to quilt we can't seem to stop filling the iron up with water, so I splurged and bought a Rowenta Steam Generator Iron, similar to what Donna Jordan has on Jordan Fabrics.com. I had one about 25 years ago when I did a lot of home dec sewing for people. This new one is beyond fantastic for getting out those wrinkes at the bolt end of fabric. It is my Mothers Day gift to myself.

Oh, almost forgot. Congratulations, Teen on the house sale. What a load off your mind to be done with that. I know how stressful selling a home is, have done it several times, the last one all by myself when I moved out here in the sticks after my DH passed.

joe'smom 04-26-2019 03:41 PM

grann of 6, I don't think it's so bad to buy backing fabric, because you know you will need it eventually for all the quilts you make out of your stash.

Congratulations, Teen, on your house sale!!

oksewglad 04-26-2019 03:44 PM

To those of you who have resisted..stay strong. To those of you have caved...make use of your purchases and you will be just fine.

See me doing the happy dance...wonderful Teen..no more wondering and worrying. What a weight off your and MrTeen's minds!

SillySusan 04-26-2019 04:58 PM

Aww, Grann! 31 yards is well over a minor lapse! What can we do to encourage you to stay away from those wonderful LQSs?! You find way too many super-duper sales!

The way I do it is to picture my stash upstairs like the load on the little donkey that can't stand another inch of fabric on its back! One more inch will cause the donkey to fall and come crashing through the ceiling and land in my kitchen! I picture the mess it would make... all the sheetrock, the dust, the rafters...

Maybe if you could picture something like this, you'd stay put in our wagon! :)

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