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whitepine 01-11-2015 08:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I took the border blocks apart and made them only one deep. I'm still learning a whole lot about color selection. It has a black border that is hard to see.

Wavecatcher, I love your colors.

Emma S 01-11-2015 08:14 AM

Whitepine: What an amazing photograph. It really would make a beautiful monochromatic quilt. I wonder how many of Bonnie's quilt designs would translate like this. She really is a master of making values determine the design.

whitepine 01-11-2015 08:29 AM

Emma, I meant the picture as a joke, but your comment made me think of something. After selecting colors for a quilt, take a B&W picture and check to see if something stands out as not belonging. I'll bet it would show up, especially in a stack of fabric, or in a bunch of 3 1/2 " squares.

sewbizgirl 01-11-2015 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by whitepine (Post 7043327)
Well, I figured out how to tone mine down. Just take a B&W picture. :)

A perfect "value" study!

joe'smom 01-11-2015 10:41 AM

whitepine, it looks beautiful in both photos! That secondary block shows up perfectly in the b&w photo.

Emma S 01-11-2015 10:46 AM

Whiitepine: Can't imagine why you would be interested in the values of 3.5 squares. Could be a "clue" to what you've been doing. I knew you were kidding but it was such a striking picture that my mind skittered off to a different pathway. Black and white photos for value study was a tip I received on FB. I asked a quilter how she did Bonnie's GI in browns and beiges without knowing anything about the quilts design. I know you used the CT fabric consistently for your green. Love the more subdued green you achieved as a result. Some of my favorite GI's are the ones that used a grayish green rather than the true grass green.

SunlitenSmiles 01-11-2015 11:55 AM

ok, now the backing is pieced and ready and the binding prepared so this little one (+/_ 44X66) will take a place in the line up waiting to be quilted....there are several ahead in line all with their backs and binding ready but this time I have to stop piecing and quilt one because that was the last empty oatmeal box to wind the binding around.

HouseDragon 01-11-2015 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by thimblebug6000 (Post 7042607)
Haven't finished yet, but did manage to get the first yellow border on. I have the other borders stitched together & ready to attach if I make time for it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]505552[/ATTACH] This will be a large quilt and I'm not sure what will be it's destiny!

Because my blacks have more white in them than I think they should.... the spinning star effect is diminished....oh well.... another learning experience.... BUT...then again... I wanted to use all fabrics from stash...and in that I was successful :o

Your stars are spinning for me! :D

joe'smom 01-11-2015 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by thimblebug6000 (Post 7042607)

Because my blacks have more white in them than I think they should.... the spinning star effect is diminished....oh well.... another learning experience.... BUT...then again... I wanted to use all fabrics from stash...and in that I was successful :o

I think it might be your strong corners that slowed down your spin, rather than, or along with, your blacks. I've been looking at photo quilts with strong colors in the corners, since I have ended up with a dark gold for my yellow (had trouble looking at lighter yellows, they're so bright to my eye), and was concerned about the effect. Defining the block as a square (which is what the strong corner accomplishes) slows the spin and alters the look of the secondary block. But I think it is still pretty, just a bit different than the intended version. I think this is what my will end up looking like, too.

thimblebug6000 01-11-2015 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by whitepine (Post 7043327)
Well, I figured out how to tone mine down. Just take a B&W picture. :)

Whitepine, although you intended your picture as a joke it actually is a real help! I went & looked at my top so far in a B & W version, thanks for posting this.

thimblebug6000 01-11-2015 04:05 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Even with my little grand doggies HELP... I've managed to get the final borders on today. [ATTACH=CONFIG]505661[/ATTACH] what...you want to iron this? [ATTACH=CONFIG]505664[/ATTACH]aren't you done yet?[ATTACH=CONFIG]505665[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]505666[/ATTACH]

whitepine 01-11-2015 04:35 PM

Awwww.....Some furrkids just can't stand for your attention anywhere else.

Emma, the 3 1/2" blocks I was referring to are Judy's mystery train blocks. It might help to separate dark and medium dark from just medium.

Emma S 01-11-2015 04:56 PM

Sunliten: Just buy another box of oatmeal. You don't even have to remove the oatmeal, think of it as storage.
Thimblebug: Such great pictures, can't believe he actually fell asleep in your arms. I'm almost sure, that's not a ergonomic way to sew.
Whitepine: Got you this time, I knew perfectly well, why you were doing the squares. I'm doing Judy's mystery too. She designs such great quilts, no way would I miss one of hers.

sewbizgirl 01-11-2015 08:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Got rid of the double sashing... here are my first two rows. My quilt will be 4 blocks x 5 blocks.

costumegirl 01-12-2015 06:14 AM

It is so much fun seeing everyone's colours and quilts! I didn't have the time during the holidays and am just starting mine.

Whitepine - Liked your pics! Great idea to do a value study by using a black & white photo - puts everything into perspective - I will have to try it in the future. A friend of mine, who is very good with colour values, did GI in black and white fabrics and the results are amazing!

Thimblebug6000 - love the pics of your grand dog!! They are so expressive!! You have a great sewing buddy!!

QultingaddictUK 01-12-2015 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7044145)
Got rid of the double sashing... here are my first two rows. My quilt will be 4 blocks x 5 blocks.

Love your version, I am doing the same size, how are you going to fit the borders?

QultingaddictUK 01-12-2015 06:37 AM

Thimbles, little Minnow knows a good thing when she sees one :)

quilt addict 01-12-2015 06:44 AM

New dilemma. Finished piecing a 3 x 4 block top, sorry my camera is broken so I cannot post a picture.

Thought I would piece together blocks with the remainder and was able with some additional chevrons to make 12 more blocks. I thought I would just have enough for a 2 x 3 block top that I would give to charity. Now what to do?????

Karen G 01-12-2015 06:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My center is all together, first border on. I am working on the outer border. I plan to double the border and place the pinks together to make a mirror image of Bonnie's pieced border to make my quilt just a bit bigger. Not sure about the cornerstones yet. Maybe I will keep the blacks together?

Karen G 01-12-2015 06:48 AM

The blacks together for sure. If it needs to be larger than that I will add another golden yellow border.

Pam H 01-12-2015 07:10 AM

Karen, either way is good. It's the same pattern. Just depends on if you want the diamonds to be pink or white and the center of the stars black or yellow. You could flip a coin and it would be great either way!

joe'smom 01-12-2015 08:34 AM

Karen, your fabrics are just scrumptious!

quilt addict, do you mean, what should you do about having more blocks than you expected? Could you make the charity quilt bigger?

Pam H 01-12-2015 08:37 AM

Finished! I took a pic last night and saw that one of the borders was on wrong so had to re-do that this morning. The borders were a challenge with the size that I made but I worked through it. May have to replace my seam ripper after all the mistakes I made on this quilt. I changed up the colors a bit and I really love the way it turned out.


joe'smom 01-12-2015 08:37 AM

Pam, have you tried posting photos recently? I was wondering if you're still having problems with that.

Pam H 01-12-2015 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by joe'smom (Post 7044720)
Pam, have you tried posting photos recently? I was wondering if you're still having problems with that.

Yes, I have. It seems I can no longer post pics here from my i-Pad. I had to copy and paste this from facebook.

huskyquilter 01-12-2015 09:31 AM

Wow, everyone has come so far since I last checked in on this thread! I got sidetracked by making a fox quilt for my niece for her birthday (Jan 30th.). I almost have the top finished and am going to an open forum type class tonight to get some help with sandwiching and tips on quilting. Really hoping to get that done and shipped out this week at some point and plan on getting back to bonnie this week! Everyone's look so pretty and I can't wait to get back to it. Also have plans for a one block wonder... I found the perfect fabric (I think)!

QultingaddictUK 01-12-2015 09:33 AM

Pam H I just love your version well done :)

JeanieG 01-12-2015 09:44 AM

Karen, I love the double border, great idea! I got behind during the holidays, so I'm still putting my blocks together. The thing about being behind, I get to see all the beautiful finished quilts and take in other's suggestions.

joe'smom 01-12-2015 11:02 AM

Must have cross-posted with you, Pam. It looks wonderful!

sewbizgirl 01-12-2015 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by QultingaddictUK (Post 7044484)
Love your version, I am doing the same size, how are you going to fit the borders?

They will be the same vertically, but if they don't work horizontally, I'll just 'fudge' something somewhere, LOL!

sewbizgirl 01-12-2015 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by quilt addict (Post 7044503)
New dilemma. Finished piecing a 3 x 4 block top, sorry my camera is broken so I cannot post a picture.

Thought I would piece together blocks with the remainder and was able with some additional chevrons to make 12 more blocks. I thought I would just have enough for a 2 x 3 block top that I would give to charity. Now what to do?????

Do a 3x4 layout if you got 12 blocks. Should make a happy baby quilt.

frustratedquilter40 01-12-2015 02:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Love all the pictures everyone has posted. I have followed along and also made " Grand Illusion" when it was revealed it was not quite what I envisioned. Attempted to add different sashing and did not care for that either so ripped that out. In the end decided to put it together as designed. I used the same color family as Bonnie except I switched out the black and used brown. Mine is quite scrappy not sure when it will be quilted or who the end recipient will be.

joe'smom 01-12-2015 08:29 PM

frustrated, your scrappiness makes it fun, and your bright pinks make it sparkle! I like the lighter cornerstones. I am currently considering what to use for mine. I've noticed that the value of the cornerstones really changes the look of the quilt.

frustratedquilter40 01-12-2015 10:51 PM

Thank you joe's mom. I used 2 fat quarters for the corner stones wish I had a darker aqua but that is okay. My friend thinks I should go ahead with another thin border so I will audition I think green .

craftyone27 01-12-2015 11:47 PM

I just made a connection that I wonder if some of you have made as well. I'm up late - as usual lol- doing laundry and clicking through the cable channels. I came across an old favorite movie on HBO - Somewhere In Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Imagine my surprise when he drives up to the old hotel and it is one and the same "Grand Hotel" from Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt? This might seem insignificant but I just love these "it's a small world" situations. It makes me want to stay up all night watching this old movie waiting for glimpses of this great, old hotel.

SEW 01-13-2015 02:04 AM


carrieg 01-13-2015 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by craftyone27 (Post 7045747)
I just made a connection that I wonder if some of you have made as well. I'm up late - as usual lol- doing laundry and clicking through the cable channels. I came across an old favorite movie on HBO - Somewhere In Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Imagine my surprise when he drives up to the old hotel and it is one and the same "Grand Hotel" from Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt? This might seem insignificant but I just love these "it's a small world" situations. It makes me want to stay up all night watching this old movie waiting for glimpses of this great, old hotel.

Every year on the Island there is some type of gathering of fans of that movie. I guess you could say it has a cult following. I was on vacation on the island during the filming!

Pam H 01-13-2015 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by craftyone27 (Post 7045747)
I just made a connection that I wonder if some of you have made as well. I'm up late - as usual lol- doing laundry and clicking through the cable channels. I came across an old favorite movie on HBO - Somewhere In Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Imagine my surprise when he drives up to the old hotel and it is one and the same "Grand Hotel" from Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt? This might seem insignificant but I just love these "it's a small world" situations. It makes me want to stay up all night watching this old movie waiting for glimpses of this great, old hotel.

I just set it up to record. It's going to be on again Jan 23 on HBO.

sewbizgirl 01-13-2015 07:10 AM

Thanks PamH... I'll look for it too and watch for the Grand Hotel.

I love everyone's photos and versions of the GI quilt. So many pretty interpretations! Keep em coming...

Last night I finished piecing all my center blocks (sans sashings) and find I need to make two more for my 4 x 5 layout. Won't know how many more sashing pieces I need until I get the blocks I have put together. My son is getting married in May and I'm thinking this may be their wedding present.

colorfulom 01-13-2015 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by craftyone27 (Post 7045747)
I just made a connection that I wonder if some of you have made as well. I'm up late - as usual lol- doing laundry and clicking through the cable channels. I came across an old favorite movie on HBO - Somewhere In Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Imagine my surprise when he drives up to the old hotel and it is one and the same "Grand Hotel" from Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt? This might seem insignificant but I just love these "it's a small world" situations. It makes me want to stay up all night watching this old movie waiting for glimpses of this great, old hotel.

I was looking up the hotel on Wikipedia the other day, and one thing they mentioned was that the filming of that scene was one of the few exceptions that have ever been made to the "no vehicles" rule on the island.

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