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Old 04-28-2010, 06:07 PM
Boxer mom
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Originally Posted by Rhonda
What do you do with the white ones? We had boxers and I was told the white ones are albinos and they are usually deaf. We had a white female and she was deaf. When she had her litter she tried to bury them in her dogfood.I had to take them away from her. She kept trying to smother them.

Do you sell the pups? They are great kids dogs!!! I gave my FIL one of the pups we had and she was just one of the gang when the kids were there. My nephew said she was a kid in a dog's coat.
Let me start off by saying, and please don't get me wrong, but the breeder you got your white one from should have had you sign an alter contract for the white ones. Any responsable boxer breeder requires the whites to be altered.
The white ones are not albino they just do not carry the gene for the color and out of the 25% that are born white 10% of those can be born deaf and/or blind. I have been lucky so far and my last 2 are fine, I know these in this litter can see and maybe hear but will need a little more time to test their hearing. I do sell my white ones but not for very much and do require them to be alered.
Due to your dog not being able to hear them she was unsure of what they were since the sound of them crying is what triggers her responce.
I use to be an ACO (Animal Control Officer) and heve been around and have had different breeds and I find this breed to be so far the most loving and funny dogs I have ever had. I think I will always have a boxer, I just love this breed.
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