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Old 04-29-2010, 07:12 AM
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At this moment I just stay in my daughter's room and only go to my In-laws side for dinner. She does likes to feed people. She feels insulted that I barely go there, but during the day she is in and out often, complains that she doesn't even have time to do her nails, but doesn't really do anything constructive all day long. Today I can hear her on the phone yapping away about how a person she knew 45 year ago had died this morning. She has not being in contact with her for the last ten, but is still hysterical and saying how shocked she is about the death. I asked how old the person was...97. Was she expecting eternal life? Her hysteria lasted a booming ten minutes. Next time I hear from her, she is in her closet planning what to wear for the funeral...she needs to get new shoes because the ones she has don't match her new purse and she can not go out if they don't and trying to figure out if the funeral home is anywhere near Atlantic City and a very nice restaurant she once visited. Just like that, her dead "friend" is forgotten, time to party.

I guess I must be overly sensitive. I have found myself crying over nothing... Friday is closer than it looks; I keep telling myself.
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