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Old 04-29-2010, 12:35 PM
Dogwood Quilter
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: South Central Missouri
Posts: 333

I guess it is time to introduce myself. I have been sewing and quilting all my life. When I was around 2 yrs old my mom would let me stand and treadle the sewing machine with no needle. I learned paper piecing as soon as I was old enough to use scissors. I cut newspaper squares for mom to piece her sting quilts on. I've only gotten back into quilting in the past few years. After raising 4 children, making our clothing, helping my husband farm, and caring for mom for 18 yrs didn't leave much time for my hobby. Now my husband tells me I have enough quilts, why do I need to make more. I say because I want too. Since knee surgery in February I have been enjoying this quilt board very much. :thumbup:
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