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Old 05-01-2010, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by puck116
Originally Posted by bearisgray
Originally Posted by puck116
When my daughter lived at home she did do her own laundry, but would leave her's in the dryer. She wears a uniform and every morning would run the dryer to get the wrinkles out, but leave the rest in there. Once I took her clothes out and put on top of the dryer, not folded, so I could use the dyer for DH and my clothes. She said that I was rude not to have folded her clothes, much discussion about that. From then on, I would take her clothes out to use the dryer, but I always but them back in when I was finished. I never did see the difference between wrinkled in dyer or wrinkled on top of dyer.
And it was polite to leave her clothes in the dryer so you had to move them to use it for your things?

Has she revised some of her opinions since then?
Now that she is on her own she sees things in a whole new light and can really appreciate what I did do for her.
I'm glad for both of you. There is hope???
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