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Old 05-03-2010, 08:34 AM
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It's been 56 years of marriage for us, and all those things that bug you, I've had. But two things I really hate him doing, that I know isn"t going to change.....folding his dirty smelly socks one inside the other( I hate having to use my hands to take them apart!!!) and sitting in his recliner by the front door, sleeping for most of the day.Then griping at me for making noise ( going in and out, dusting, using the vaccum , putting dishes away, anything that he can hear). When I tell him go take a nap in your own room and I won't bother you, , it's, "I'd rather stay here, or why should I go to my bedroom, it isn'T night time!! " Go figure!! But, he does most of the cooking, helps with laundry( not always the way I'd like), shops for food, and lets me buy whatever I want, good to our kids and Grands, and when I was so sick in Feb and March this year, he was so nice it was unbelievable. I think I might just keep him!
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