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Old 05-04-2010, 08:26 AM
Henriellen Kibler
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 43

Dina, are those cats, yours of course. But the black and white one is a male and the white and tan one a female. If they are I have a matching pair. My little female has gray/tan wings on her back. When I got her from the pound she was being eaten up by fleas. I think I have finally solved that problem. She loves the out doors. Last summer we were lucky to see her. She only came in to eat and to get out of hard rains. She doesn't seem to mind being wet. She hasn't learned to okay my quilts yet. But my big black and white male has to okay all of them. He sleeps on my quilt while I am hand quilting it. He is a BIG help.
By the way I think purple quilts are beautiful. At Hobby Lobby yesterday I noticed they were kind of short on purple. You must have caused a run on purple fabric. G Ma Henri
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