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Old 05-05-2010, 07:52 AM
Henriellen Kibler
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 43

Hi, for small things to sell, of course place mats might work or napkins. But when you say small, there are these new coasters that you twist on to stem ware. You make a set of 6, 8 or 12 all different colors or same colors but different designs. This coaster serves two purposes. One to protect your furniture from moisture and two to identify your personal glass. If you are having a party were people are wandering around and they set their glass down and someone else sets theirs there they can tell who's who. I have forgotten where I found the pattern, but it is real simple. You cut 5 squares about 5 inches square. Actually I think it should be 6 squares. You also use one 5" square of batting. Four of your squares the same and the other two of another design or color. Fold the two squares to form a triangle and two squares from the other design or color to form a triangle. Take your last two squares and sandwich the batting between. Now alternate your 4 triangles around the flat squares with the raw edges on the outside. You should have three folded points at each corner. The last triangle you put down you have to left the first triangle corner and slip the last corner under. That way you will have something like half square triangles.
It helps if you pin your corners to the bottom pieces. Then sew around the outside edges and turn your coasters inside out. and you are done. It is really much easier than it sounds.
Good luck with your Quilt Show.
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