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Old 05-05-2010, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by sahm4605
I start by the door and try and wined my way around the store. Getting a stroller through the isles many times is a challenge. and add in keeping my daughter from pulling out the bolts and things from racks and the wall is always fun too. I love fabric. I think that I would just collect yards and yards of it even if I didn't quilt. It is just so pretty and soft. well most of the time. I would be broke if I went to the LQS as much as I want to. When I do buy it seems like I can't get out for under $50. Why must fabric be so expensive?!?!?!?!
thank goodness they are or I would own two stores by now - my present stash (that might rival some stores) and the money I would have put into another!

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