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Old 05-12-2010, 07:41 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Sturbridge, Ma
Posts: 3,992

The Angels were guiding my hands tonight. I found a book I have had for many years titled "The Wool Quilt" by Jean Dubois. Published in 1978. I will look through for some suggestions.
Meanwhile my initial thought is to decide how the quilt will be used - to cover, a throw or wallhanging.
I have a wook throw that my aunts made many years ago. It is simple squares. Therefore, I would consider simple shapes as the bulk of seams might be nearly unmanagable.
I also remember my aunts making clothing from wool and they always shrank the wool before working with it.
I glanced through the book and saw 1/4" seams mentioned and some good info about applique. I'll try and search more.
It would be helpful to know how you plan to use the quilt.
A few years ago there was a wonderful exhibit of wool quilts at the Vermont Quilt Festival. They, of course, were antique quilts and many were wholecloth in design and hand quilted.
So I await answers to the questions above and see what I can find.
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