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Old 05-15-2010, 03:05 AM
S. Adkins
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 20

Here's what I did 4 years ago---
I looked around and was overwhelmed with all the 1/2 done projects, clubs, church activities so I stomped my foot and said this year is the year I will not start any new projects or take part in any new activities ---- but I will start completing all previously started projects and reduce my commitments. Well that was the best thing I've ever done. The only thing I didn't complete was cross stitch blocks for a quilt my mom started me on before she passed away. I just wasn't ready yet for that. Well I had the best year and enjoyed the benefits of my labor for about two years but it's time now to put my foot down again and dig my way out but you know the pile is NO WAY as big as it was. I guess I learned something. I scheduled my projects on the calendar that is one of my secrets to success. Always schedule projects summer (projects that travel in car), winter projects (quilting/sewing), spring (flower beds/yard work), etc. at the appropriate time of the year this will help keep you motivated. I hope this will comfort you and encourage you.
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