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Old 05-27-2010, 05:25 PM
Ramona Byrd
Super Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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AND there was a lot of moonshining. Once, the feds came looking for a particular still. They were given such cockeyed directions that they ended up lost in the hills for 3 days. They never came back. My Grandpa always made his own brandy and according to my Dad, sampled it quite often![/quote]
As a child running wild in the hills of WV during the depression, my cousins and
I were warned to watch out for horrid men who did terrible things to little girls.
At the first sight of them we were to go home, turn the dogs loose and tell our
uncles. We could tell the strangers by the way they dressed..three piece business suits and hats. Our uncles, on the other hand, wore bib overalls,
flannel shirts and big heavy work boots.

I was in my early 20s (slow thinker) when that light bulb finally went on over
my head. The "strangers" were Feds!!

But for many years I didn't like men in business suits, and when first married
I felt horrible when he dressed for a meeting and tried to kiss me goodbye!!!!!
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