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Old 06-01-2010, 06:28 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by sewloved
My room is actually the formal dining room. We just gated part of it off, so that little fingers are kept out. I have been needing to expand badly.

We have an old Ikea desk that we don't want in the bedroom anymore, so I am going to repurpose it as a cutting table. I can't wait to not have to drag my mat, material, ruler, blade, etc out to the kitchen.

Once I get the room rearranged, I am going to have to put a new picture up to redeem myself. :)
oh, girl, this is what I'm screaming. I love everybody's picture's
"as is", except mine!
I really am a cleaner/organizer and once upon a time I would never have posted pictures like that, but I have been so busy.
Heck, this mouse can really make a mess when in the midst of something creative, but I always clean up when i am done with that project.
My mother is a hoarder and just moved and since she can't see to sew/craft anymore, guess who couldn't resist all the freebies?
so it got piled should see this computer room!
I have a twin bed in here and this room is 8' x 11 1/2' and there's 20 years of clothes...REMEMBER SHE'S A HOARDER EXTRAORDINAIRE,...that I'm going to sell in a big yard sale in the fall.
DH comes in here and says, "what are you going to do with all that stuff?
I told him and he just rolled his eyes and started walking away while I was talking!
I have a friend that will help and I'm going to sell these clothes cheap, cheap, ;)
Yes, I did make sure there wasn't anything I wanted to recycle into quilts :thumbup:
anywho, I am usually not messy like this, and the rest of my house is clean. HONEST!
No, I'm not taking pictures of the Mousepad, you'll just have to take my word for it ;-)
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