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Old 06-02-2010, 08:31 PM
Alabama Belle
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: north Alabama
Posts: 27

I live in the South... northern Alabama. We don't get snow as a rule, very few earthquakes, too far from the coast for hurricanes to really bother us. What we DO get are tornados. We spent the spring months building a new storm shelter, 16 X 12, large enough to hold my entire family. We have shelves holding vegetables, soups and stews I canned myself in the pressure cooker. There are 2 gas powered generators, fuel for those, candles, lanterns, a kerosene heater and fuel for it. I still need to place water, plastic dishes and glasses out there as well as some canned meat, etc.My daughter-in-law is on oxygen 24 hours a day, we have to have the generator to power her machine. As for meds, I keep both mine and my husbands in plastic boxes which I pack and place in the shelter as soon as a warning is issued and grab them as I go out the door. I have first aid supplies,blankets in moisture proof bins, matches and paper towels as well. I also keep toys for the small ones as well as cards for the older kids.
Here we have to be weather aware. This is our tornado season and it comes again in January and February.
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