Thread: Starching???
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Old 06-03-2010, 01:45 PM
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My mom always made cornstarch starch for ironing, funny, I was just thinging about that today, but I don 't remember her easurments. Just that she would boil it on the stove and then would dip items in the hot solution. I just sent hubby to the store to get me a can of spray starch so I could iron wringkles out of a quilt top. It is one my mom embroidered in the early 1970's. Those 12 inch printed blocks you bought at the dime store. She had it set together, but it was too narrow for a full size bed, so I just added a border to it. The whites don't really match, but at least the quilt will be done. I have that one and my butterfly quilt ready to send out for quilting. Hope the lady does a good job. I'm leaving it up to her as I know nothing about machine quilting patterns.
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