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Old 06-09-2010, 10:07 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 26

Bob's Red Mill Gluten free, wheat free, dairy free All Purpose Flour is wonderful. You have to use a Xanthan Gum as well. And the biscuit recipe on the back of the baking powder can is what I use. Make sure it says wheat free gluten free dairy free. They have a bread package but I am not too crazy about it. They do make others like pancake mix, buckwheat pancakes and Brownies too!!I am so happy that I don't feel sick all of the time after I eat. I thought everybody felt sick after eating. And like you I MISS BREAD. My fiance and I are working on a recipe for homemade bread. We are not quite there yet but we will make one.
Anyway I hope you can use the recipe
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