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Old 06-09-2010, 10:45 AM
Jen's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 6

Hello All ~ I'm Jen, from the mountains, North of SanFrancisco Bay CA, and this is my first visit. I love this place !!! I have made few quilty things, and pieced the top & basted the layers of one king-sized quilt (in use), but that was in Autumn of '07. I rather got use to it unfinished, and since have been hibernating with the sewing, I am ready to get back into sewing & quilting ~ to finish the first, and start a second, and make some various quilted or pieced furniture covers, as runners & tabletops, throws & pillow shams, etc. I tend to machine piece, and hand stitch where it shows, so the quilt has a hand-sewn affect.

I love the Amish colors ! My DH is decendant of Amish (great grandson of a real Amish family), and so we sort of have a real apreciation of the Amish Quilts in particular, of which I plan to make many in my lifetime. I am a fan mostly of the center diamond, and center square variations (bars, etc), and DH loves nine-patch variations, so between the two, I can make many. That's about it. On to talk about stuff in the forum. :-)
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