Old 06-09-2010, 09:58 PM
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Hi everyone!
Thank you Nikki for posting updates for us-truly appreciate it!
Izabella's surgery went well. The tonsils and adenoids came out no problem and she was in remarkably good spirits when we got home yesterday. It was a bit of a rough evening but once she got to sleep she has been sleeping fairly soundly. Doctor said days 3-5 will probably be the worst as the inflammation will probably be at its peak during these days-we shall see. We have plenty of ice pops, ice cream and liquids. He also said she could have room temperature soft things like scrambled eggs and macaroni and cheese as they are easy to swallow without bothering the throat.
I thank you all for your wonderful well wishes and thoughts and prayers-they mean so very much to us!!
I will continue to keep you all updated on how she is doing and pass along all of the love from everyone here to her!
I have received some very wonderful blocks in the last couple of days that I love love :-) They have been from Janecat (thank you so much for the pins they are fabulous and so very thoughtful of you!), Dettonlisa, two from Kysmommy-thank you so much for the extra one for Izzy, and SalmonSweet-what a fabulous explanation on the block (I will share with everyone when I post pictures!) Thank you all again I love all of the blocks and I thank each and every one of you for the thoughtfulness, generosity and kindness you have shown to me and of course my little Izabella :-) Izabella also received some great fabric for her stash from Odessa-thank you so much she loves it!
Thank you all again.
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