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Old 06-11-2010, 08:12 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Okeechobee, Florida
Posts: 287

Originally Posted by shopella
8-) my mom sent me a link and said I might like this sight.She sent me a picture of cats stairway to heaven wich we worked on several years ago,and never quite finished it. I have loved that patern alot and altered it the first time I made it was after a divorce and I wanted to let the light in so I did the cats in white and the sky in a rainbow cloud fabric. I don't know what to do for the border.the secont time I just used the cats and did a baby quilt with it and used alot of colors and a few other animals from coloring books!
Welcome Shopella. I love your quilts. You do beautiful work. I am from Florida also. I am in Okeechobee which is much farther south than where you are. I really love the Cat Stairway to Heaven pattern, I have not seen that before. I would love to find that pattern. Do you know where I might can find that? My grand daughter just loves kitties and this would be nice to make for her. Hope you stick around the forum. You will find it very very informative and it is like a huge family.
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