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Old 06-12-2010, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by kasmitty1
My grandson will be up here for a couple weeks in July and I think I'm going to go down and have him tested for Celiac. My daughter is always saying how he has a cold and I keep telling her it isn't a cold, it's allergies. I am going to feel horrible if I passed this down to him, but if he does have it, it'll be much easier on him to change his diet now so that he's used to it as he grows up.
My grandson has horrible skin issues. Daughter has had him to numerous doctors, always the same thing, he'll grow out of it, or put this expensive prescription cream on him. But if he goes to get tested, he can never get insurance, because people tested positive for Celiac are uninsurable. I've tried to buy life insurance, and have been turned down. It's funny how the disease is serious enough that insurance companies won't cover you, but you can't get the medical world to get serious about the disease. (I had my doctor just tell me once, "oh that's too bad" - meaning I can have any wheat/gluten) Hey doc, I hate to tell you, it's a disease. Do they tell people with diabetes "that's too bad you can't have sugar". No, they "treat" them. Why is it not taken as serious as a person with diabetes? Both are highly dependent on diets. Just venting. Better now. :)
My grandson is only 2 and if I get him tested, since it isn't insured, I will pay the full cost. I seriously doubt, unless the govt gets their way and steals all our medical records (yep, you know where I stand on that!) then no one will ever know he's been tested.

I've gone through lack of insurance and then been reinsured and the company knew I had Celiac as well as Fibromyalgia and there wasn't a problem with re-insuring me. Of course, I did have to skip going to the doctor for about 18 months so that nothing was considered "pre-existing."
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