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Old 06-15-2010, 11:25 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: East, Texas
Posts: 261

Originally Posted by weezie
Thanks to all for kind advice. (I like the nap advice!) Although I appreciate the thoughts, I wasn't really seeking advice; with a critically ill, disabled husband and some health problems of my own, I have to deal with whatever arises here on a daily basis.

The reason I posted was just curiosity ... to see if there are many of you who are like me with too many choices because of too little time in which to accomplish everything. And how many of you feel like you must get everything else done before you can "reward" yourself with some sewing/quilting time.
just remember that stressed spelled backwards is Desserts so make you a big chocolate cake and relax. On a serious note I use to feel that way but now use quilting as a stress release so I try to get some quilting time between chores. I still don't get to sew as mush as I would like but I do sew a little each day, so be sure to take time for your self.
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