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Old 06-18-2010, 05:26 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 12

First I am really new to this. The purpose for our quilt a thon is to make as many quilt to give to St Jude Hospital these will be lap quilts. We also want to make 2 of each bed size to auction off for the American Cancer Society; I also would like to make 1 quilt of each bed size also for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Because I myself suffer from this and until recently stoped me from quilting.

Why I am doing this is because of a little boy in my home town Branson Mo named Skyler Sanders. Was diagnosis with Brainstem Glioma last year and he has been a little fighter.

I am trying to help him and all the kids at St Judes. I want to make and send as many quilts as we can in Skyler Name to St Judes for all those scared chidren.

You can see his story yourself at

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask or email at [email protected] Thank you for listening
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