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Old 06-19-2010, 10:38 AM
granmoppet's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: IN
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by athenagwis
Hi all!! I am so excited to be starting a Dear Jane quilt, I am not sure how quickly i will get it done, but it'll be fun to work on it anyway. I have been talking with all the girls that are doing it together here on the board, and they have been so helpful!! I don't think I can catch up to their schedule, but it'll still be fun to have them for support!! Anyway i wanted to share my designs and my first blocks here if you don't mind!! I am making two quilts at once, the rainbow one will be my test quilt, it will be made with muslin and scraps and will give me the chance to practice the blocks before I make my real quilt the blue and orange one. I had fun making these blocks, it is M-11. Not too too hard, I only had to unsew once!! :) The blocks aren't perfect, but I am totally okay with that LOL If you aren't familiar with Dear Jane, these blocks will finish at 4.5 inches, so the pieces are small.

Thanks for looking and reading all that!!
I am a neewbie and have never heard of Dear Jane before but I am very impressed with your first blocks!
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