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Old 06-19-2010, 09:41 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Posts: 36

I can feel your pain and frustration and am so sorry. I'm sorry that you lost such a good friend. That's difficult enough to go through, much less what they are doing. Many people just don't think or care and that's sad. They are definately not a professional company; if they were, they would know better. I guarantee you, that if it was THEIR house, they wouldn't like it either! I would be sure to write down the company's name and report them to the BBB. Perhaps, if you can, get out of the house and go somewhere by yourself so you can grieve privately for a little while without having to deal with what they're doing. It sounds like you need some alone time. After you grieve some, consider taking yourself out to dinner or a movie that you want to see. Doing something different, will allow your mind to focus on something else and not focus on how crude and unprofessional they''re being. I would do something that would "take me away" - a movie, a museum you like, a new restaurant, a new store. So sorry you're going through this. Hugs to you.
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