Thread: It's Twins!
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Old 06-19-2008, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Quilting Aggi
Originally Posted by mgshaw
I used to watch that tv show "Northern Exposure" and they always showed moose walking down the streets but always thought just a tv thing. That is just too cool!
Nope.. not just on tv... they really do that!!! And I'm talking along the main heavy busy roads too!!!! The moose here are rampant!!!!

hmmm mooose stew... YUM!
I think they are quite awesome! I've never eaten any moose, but I bet it is good. Plenty of it to fill up the freezer, I imagine. I've never even seen a moose for real, but I like things with them on miniatures and stuff.

So, are there a lot of moose hunters in your area or should there be more since they are so abundant? (I know that sounds mean). There is a lot of deer-hunting in our area.

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