Old 06-21-2010, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by quiltingfan
:thumbup: Yes, I have been sewing on and off all morning and everyone was right. I see the 2 seems I sew over. I have it going in a circle and it has finally clicked. Thank you everyone, I could not do this one without everyone's encouragement and advice. Will post pics, I promise. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...
How is it going? It sounds like you've pushed past the problems and are on your way toward finishing the top. I can't wait to see it!

I've never been much impressed with the "Quilt in a Day" type of books. To me, quilts that take only a few hours to make usually look like they've only taken a few hours to make. Just think, with all the time you have invested in this quilt, it is going to look amazing and I bet the graduate will love it. :thumbup:
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