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Old 06-22-2010, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by mms61371
I purchased a quilt kit for my grandson from my LQS. The fabrics looked adorable, they were cowboy themed. I have had it for about 2 weeks now. I washed the fabrics, ironed them, and cut them out using the "Take 5" pattern. As I was hanging them on the design wall when I realized I did not like the fabric at all. They may have looked good folded together, but on the wall it looked horrible. I call my DD over to let her take a look just to see if I was being over critical. My DD took one look at it and said the same thing I had been thinking all along. I am really upset with myself. I am on a very tight budget and the fabric costs $65.00 for the kit not including the pattern which was $8.00. This was the first time I purchased a quilt kit, I'm not sure I will do it again. Has anyone else ever been in this situation? Now I am back searching for new fabric and a new pattern. This is going to take a lot longer than I thought.

Thank you for reading (listening) , I just needed to vent. :cry:
Since you already have the fabric and have prepared it for the quilt, why don't you go ahead and make it ? You might be surprised at the finished Quilt... Just a thought!
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