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Old 06-23-2010, 09:24 PM
ohioquilter's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: in shouthern ohio, under a quilt-sewing!!
Posts: 26

Originally Posted by amandasgramma
My cats climb up on the shelf I'd put up for the shoeboxes of scraps...they knock the boxes down, so now the boxes are on the floor. I had 2 other top shelves they've knocked things off of so they could lay down. The room from about 5' up is THEIRS! LOL Yes, I always have cats on the quilting. Try putting their quilt up as high as you can...maybe they'll take it over then!!!

Oh -- and I caught Dasher picking up things off the sewing table and dumping them on the floor -- one by one.......DANG it...he's WORSE than a 3 year old kid!
I have a cedar chest that I keep quilting stuff in and every time i open it to get in there, one of the cats climbs in and goes to sleep.
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