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Old 06-25-2010, 07:43 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 12,930

I like to stabilize the quilt sandwich edge before putting binding on; it makes it easier to handle.

My method is quite different. I use a permanent Sharpie to mark the *cutting edge* on the quilt sandwich. Then I use a long machine stitch to baste just outside this line. I sew the binding on by lining up the raw edges of the binding with my Sharpie marking. I don't actually cut the quilt sandwich edge until after my binding has been sewn on. It sounds odd to do it this way, but I am much less likely to make a cutting mistake plus the edges are much easier to handle -- no unnoticed flipping of the underside seam, no stretching of the edge, no bunching up of the three layers while I attach the binding.

I did use a serger once to secure the edge before putting the binding on, but did not like that method nearly as well. It compresses the edge of the quilt sandwich, plus it is hard for me to keep a perfectly straight line while serging (and more nervous about making a cutting mistake).
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