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Old 06-28-2010, 04:13 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Baileys Prairie, Texas
Posts: 294

I have 3 singers, 2 featherweights (model 221)and a singer 99. I quilt on all of them. I am not a particular singer fan other than the OLD ones. I have 3 pfaffs..a 103 (treadle machine) 301 (heavy weight..will sew leather) and a 1200. I grew up on a pfaff 230 which my mother bought in 1953 in germany. She sews on it constantly. the only repairs on it was a new pedal which I bought for her in Italy in 1995 and 3 months ago when the Pfaff dealer told her it could not be repaired. I took it to the guy who cleans and repairs my machines and it took him 5 minutes to find out the "Pfaff dealer" had taken the motor off and wired in backwards when he put it back on. My guy charged me $10 and mom is going like mad again. She repairs and donates clothes from her church for a mental health hospital. She will be 87 in July and still tutors at the mental health hospital. Try these older machines and find the one that fits you and go for it. I promise you will not be disappointed. Most of them require very little repairs and will last a lifetime or two.
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