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Old 07-04-2010, 05:25 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Texarkana, TX
Posts: 13

I am completely new to all of this and am looking for help. I have been making hair bows for my daughters for a couple of years and am sad to say they are outgrowing them and am looking for a new hobby. Three years ago my daddy bought me a Janome Memory Craft 9700.

I was so overwhelmed that I put it in a closet and left it there for awhile. My mom showed me how to hem pants and to tell you the truth that is all I have done with it. (I am

My great-grandmother made quilts for everyone in the family and mine was the last one (sad to say she passed away before it was finished). Thankfully her sister, Aunt Wilma, finished it for me. The memories of watching her quilt by hand will always be with me.

I am looking for information on learning and any info would be greatly appreciated. Are there any great beginners books that would be a good recommendation? Thanks ;)
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