Thread: Had to share
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Old 07-05-2010, 07:52 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Stockton, IL
Posts: 85

I made three quilts for a benefit where their parents died....2 girls and 1 boy. My step-sister in law is baby sitting the younger, who is not quit 2, and its a girl. I am told this little girl LOVES her quilt. She HAS to have it at the sitters or she wont take her nap. she plays with it and likes to flip both sides, feels it and giggles...just wont let it go while she is there. I guess She decided it has to stay there. I just made me cry to know that someone that little loves something a complete stranger gave her.

I can't post browser just keeps freezing. don't know why. Sorry all!

I just had to share that
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